7. The Same

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Riley's POV:

For three weeks now Marcel and I had been working long and hard on our project, coming up with harmonies, guitar arrangements and practicing until we were sick of the song altogether. It was fair to say nearly everything had changed. At school, things had been far from simple. I had lost nearly all of the popularity I had ever gained, but miraculously, I was okay with that. I had found a friend in Marcel Styles that I had never expected to find. I learned that one true friend is better than lots of fake ones.

Of course I still got dirty looks in the halls, either they were disgusted with me for hanging anywhere within a one-mile radius of Marcel, or word had spread from the girls and they knew I had been playing him.

Now, though, I was sure I wasn't. After a while of hiding from the truth at school and becoming a completely different person after school, I realized this Hannah Montana life wasn't working out. It did take a bit of gritting my teeth and making the particular effort not to hide my face whenever anyone passed, but after a few days I adapted and somehow, through a twisted series of events, ended up here.

Quite a number of students at school insisted upon calling Marcel my boyfriend, and at that point I became seriously pissed. Spending time with him was one thing, but if people started actually thinking that..? I'd be screwed, once and for all, for the rest of the earth's existence. Marcel was not my boyfriend, and things were going to stay that way.

I didn't see him that way. Not at all.

Or so I thought..


Today was the day. I had finally talked Marcel into filming a couple takes for his new YouTube video. He showed up at my place at around one o'clock; it was a Saturday after all. The rain was pouring buckets outside and I was grateful for my roof over my head and the speckled grey sweatpants I had donned. I grinned when I opened the door and his dimples appeared shyly as he stepped in. "Morning," I greeted.

"Afternoon," he corrected, grinning satisfactorily as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Whatever, genius," I smirked sarcastically as I slapped his soaked shoulder lightly.

He laughed for a moment, and that's when I noticed something was different. "Marcel.. Your hair looks different," I observed out loud.

His mouth opened wide and he quickly scurried over to our hall mirror. "Shoot!" He exclaimed as he tried desperately to smooth his rapidly drying hair. "My gel washed out!"

Without thinking, I slowly sauntered over beside him. I ran a hand through his hair and smiled. It was curly.

"Why didn't you tell me you had curly hair?!"

"Because I'm ashamed of it," he moped dramatically.

"Why? Marcel, it looks so good on you!"

He turned around slowly and furrowed his eyebrows before a corner of his lips tugged upward in a bashful smile. "Y-you think so?"

"Yeah! Why would you gel it when you've got that?"

"It's a long s-story," he mumbled.

"I've got time," I encouraged.


Minutes later we were sat on the couch and Marcel had explained a rather lengthy childhood story to me. The boys in his second grade class had begun to bully him halfway through the year because he had adorable ringlets. They told him it was girly, that he probably was just a girl on the inside regardless. Naturally, the poor boy's confidence was shattered, and from then on he did his best to cover his hair. As for the way he dressed, he felt like he wouldn't ever be associated with boys like them if he were different. If he dressed different, he thought he would be a nicer boy than they had ever been.

"You can tell a lot by the way someone dresses. Someone like me, right off the bat it's evident I'm not very 'cool'. But at least those who can appreciate me for who I am, anyone like you, can look at me and tell I'd never do anything to hurt anyone. You look at the way I dress and you can tell I don't care about trends, popularity, status even. I'll be nice to you if you'll be nice to me, and although not many people are, that allows me to see who's worth my time. I've got you, and I don't really need many friends,"

And had his plan ever caused me to see him clearly. Marcel is the sweetest boy I've ever met.

I pulled him in for a comforting hug after his words echoed through my head. His chest heaved up and down shakily as I rubbed his back in circles.

"I know, some things are hard. But we're here for eachother, right? No matter what happens, we won't judge eachother," I paused, allowing the tone of desperation in my voice to vanish. "Right?"

He scrunched up his forehead and nodded unsurely. "O-of course, Ri. Why would you doubt that?"

"I-I just.. Nothing. I just need to know."

"Know it then. Always, okay?" He reassured.

My heart sunk as I watched him study my emotionless face with concern. What would you be saying if you only knew the truth?

"Okay," I whispered blankly.

His hair had now dried into unnaturally perfect brown locks and I giggled slightly as I tugged on one framing the side of his face.

"Hey, hands off." He whined childishly as he poked my hand. I stuck my tongue out at him and scurried away, giggling uncontrollably as I heard his footsteps bounding from behind me.

"Noooo!" I laughed as he caught up on his awkward stick legs. He grabbed me from behind and spun me around as I lightly beat his back with my fists. "Marcel, let me down!" I choked out between laughing fits.

"Hmm.." He slowly muttered.

"Please!" I pouted.

"Alright, alright! Stop making that face, it's sad."

I smirked in satisfaction as he placed my unsteady legs back on the grey hall tiles.


"Alright, you ready curly?"

"Don't call me that!"

"You are. Anyway, take one in 3, 2, 1!"

I pressed record on the photo booth app and took my place next him, guitar in lap. He sighed as he began, slowly becoming more and more sure of himself.

"Erm, h-hi. My name's M-marcel Styles and, along with the lovely Riley Mackay, I will be c-covering Kiss Me by Ed Sh-Sheeran.. Hope you enjoy," he took a silent deep breath and nodded to me. I began to strum and he began to sing, and as he worked through the first verse, I swear I became lost in his voice. The chorus rolled around and our harmonies blended perfectly, I smiled as our eyes met.

I was surprised in the power that Marcel could push from his voice, after knowing him as a shy, quiet boy. He had taught me that everyone was full of secrets.

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved,
Wanna be loved,
Wanna be loved,
This feels like falling in love,
Falling in love,
Falling in love."
As the song ended, I smiled at him, and as he pulled his glasses off to clean them on the base of his shirt I froze cold in my seat. How had I never noticed? His eyes weren't an aqua colour, not a grey-green, but a sparkling vibrant deep green. I found myself staring and I couldn't stop. He obviously felt the presence of a set of eyes, and turned to me awkwardly.

We exchanged no words, no hidden signs, for the first time the two of us were both totally open, completely vulnerable.

I was in a sense of confusion, only processing what was happening when I could feel his warm breath fanning over my slightly agape lips. I had time to back down, but I didn't.

I was eager as I pushed my lips an extra inch to meet his. The second they touched, I could feel a stirring in the pit of my stomach and I could tell this was what I wanted all along. Our lips travelled in sync, and as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer desperately, he inched my body closer to his as he engulfed my lower back in his loving embrace.

My legs gradually wrapped around his torso and when my lungs finally couldn't take it anymore, we slowly broke apart. I didn't make eye contact, afraid to read what he was saying, so instead I kept my position and nuzzled my head into his neck. I felt his cheeks heating up from above me, and he kissed my head, resting his atop of mine. I listened to his wavering heartbeat as I rested my head near his chest, and giggled softly whenever it skipped a couple of beats.

I realized then how much my life had changed, and I wondered if anything could ever be the same.


Hah. Miley. Like Marcel, Riley right? Jeez I suck ok

Anyway, please vote, comment and follow and all that other shit ok?

Things are about to get complicateddddd

Love you all<3x.

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