zero [part ii]

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AKEMI CHENG'S DOE-EYED look has always been irresistible and it's a known fact to her family and her relatives. As such, Flo has never once been able to go against or disagree with whatever Akemi says. Even if she tries (very, very hard), she'd still find herself giving in.

Because Akemi Cheng, behind all the sweet laughters and smiles, is one hell of a manipulative girl and she pretty much takes advantage of every situation there is with that infamous doe-eyed look of hers. It's no wonder that everyone would, at the end of the day, end up doing what she wants.

And Flo fucking (that's a dollar in the jar) hates it because it is the twentieth – or more, she doesn't really know – time she's watching this film. Like, the same bloody (another dollar) one she had watched last week, the week before last week and ... just every single week before.

While she knows the plot wholeheartedly, she does not know why Akemi is so insistent on watching Rise of the Guardians, the animated film she has been talking about with a possible burning dislike.

Also, yes, Flo understands what you're going to say next so please hold your horses because she knows that there are better films than that. Like, The Lion King and Up. Even Zootopia, Disney's latest film would've beaten this because Zootopia is fucking (yet another one) ace and Flo could watch it over and over again without feeling bored.

Just not this, Rise of the Guardians, please.

But once again, she finds herself on the couch beside Akemi, eyes fixed reluctantly on the television screen as she watches the characters interact with one another.

Flo parts her lips slightly, contemplating whether or not to break the silence that is hanging in the air. Shaking her head, she decides otherwise.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

But she wants – needs, actually – to move before she ends up pulling her hair out or something because she's simply that bored.

(She doesn't even have her goddamn phone because Akemi had hid it somewhere in the house).

Flo finally parts her lips and let the words roll out of her tongue as she stands up. "Let me go get some-"

"No, you need to stay because the exciting part is coming!"

"Akemi," Flo narrows her eyes, "that's what you say every time I stand up. Besides, I've watched this stu- very great film enough to know what's going to happen next."


Flo then let her body fall on the couch, groaning miserably as she stuffs her face against the pillow repeatedly and screams in what seemed like frustration.

Because once again, Akemi Cheng has used her puppy eyes against Florence Cheng and like always, Akemi Cheng wins.

• • •

UNLIKE MOST TEENAGERS, Flo hates summer. She has considered staying in her house the entire vacation, just blasting her air-conditioner and lazing round the house because it is much better to be killed out of boredom, than to be killed by the heat out there.

But she decides against it because 1) her mother would make her pay for the extra electricity bills and, 2) staying at home constantly meant that Akemi would be able to come over – like every day; not just the weekends.

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