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FLO CONCLUDES THAT death by heat is far more appealing than death by cool (for the lack of a better word) should she be given a chance to choose. A pity she's freezing her ass off and is positive that she's about to die, though.

But really, that's the least of her concern right now (she would take this moment and be all wise by saying, "death is inevitable", and that's why she doesn't care about how she's possibly dying, but she has more pressing issues to attend to) because presently, she's screaming like a mad, crazed woman. Not like a lady, but a woman because let's be honest – when Florence Cheng starts screaming at the top of her lungs, there is absolutely no elegance and class. There's only madness, insanity and, perhaps, fear.

"Someone shut her up! God, she's such a noisy teen."

"Be nice, Bunny."

"Get the fuck away from me, you flying insect!" Flo feels like crying as she stretches out her arms, full length, in an attempt to stop the said flying person from coming near to her. "I don't know who the fuck you are, but just... stay away and- oh my God keep your hands off me!"

And then she's crying and throwing whatever she has with her at the group of unknown people – more like animals, but she doesn't really know and care – and that, unfortunately, includes her mobile phone. "Please send me back home or, if you're not planning to do that, although you damn well should because I certainly don't belong here, just- end me." She cries harder after she finishes her sentence, her wails louder and higher than before.

"Hey- oh wow, what a sight. It's not every day I get to see a teen crying like a baby." A boy remarks as he comes flying in with a staff in his hand and Flo wonders, with teary eyes as her cries come to a stop, if she's able to fly as well because it seems as if everyone who is here is able to fly. The boy looks at her for a second. "Hello, I'm Jack Frost. Guardian of fun, if you don't already know. But I'm sure you know that already, right? After all, I'm kinda fam-"

"No one will take you as a mute if you don't talk."

"Oh, shut it, Kangaroo."

Flo swallows a lump in her throat. She ponders for a moment if she'll ever know what is normality again. Like, feeling the whole concept of being normal once again. Waking up like a normal teen who decides to lead a pretty normal day, do absolutely normal things, and more. She misses normality already. And that alone, is one hell of a funny thing.

Because never has she once thought she would miss normality. There are times where she would even find herself hating it because normality is, in a way or so, equivalent to boredom. But for now, she concedes – desperately, may she add – that normality is much better than abnormality. She would much rather have consistency than be thrown off by new, unexpected things. At least regularity provides a form of comfort, assurance and safety.

"Screw the whole "you never appreciate unless you lost it" quote," she mumbles to herself as she sniffs, letting vulnerability overwhelm her as she tries her best to ignore the stares on her. Go away, she wants to shout but instead, with a facade of calmness, she asks, "Where's Akemi?"

"Oh! You mean the younger girl who came here with-"

"Yes. Where is she?"

"She's here with me," a new voice steps in, startling Flo. She braces herself for the shock she might receive as she tilts her head higher to catch a view of the owner of the voice. "I'm North, otherwise known as Santa if that itself isn't already evident. It's a pleasure to finally see you here, Florence."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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