Christmas Day (Jimin)

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It is finally Christmas! Schools have closed for the holidays and you are so excited. While going back to your apartment, you realize that someone has sent you a text. And by hearing the text sound, you understand that it can only be from him. It has been 3 months since the last time you saw him. Your boyfriend Jimin is always very busy because of his schedule. You knew from the moment you found out that you had feelings for each other that it wasn't going to be easy. He is an idol and you wouldn't be able to do things like normal couples do. Walking around the town together, for example, was out of the question in case someone found out about you two. You had decided to keep your relationship a secret, in order to have more privacy, and you were totally fine with that. But because of Bangtan's comeback, it had been such a long time since when you last met him! You had missed him so much, and hoped that he would come back home for Christmas so that you can get to spend some time together. So, when you heard the sound that you had chosen to realize when he texted you, you were over the moon.

You rushed to unlock your phone and see what he wanted to say to you. As soon as you found your text conversation, you read his text:

Jimin: Hey y/n how are you? Unfortunately I have some bad news; I won't be able to spend Christmas with you, since the company wants us to practice more for our comeback. Sorry :(

You could feel the tears that were shaping inside your eyes and your sight suddenly became blurry. What was he talking about? He had told you that he had missed you and now, that. That wasn't fair at all. But, after all, it wasn't his fault. The company wanted to get him and Bangtan ready for the comeback, and Jimin didn't have a choice but to do what he was told to. As soon as you got home, on the verge of crying, you answered his text:

You: It's okay Jimin

But it really wasn't. Your parents had informed you just two days ago that they would be away on a business trip during Christmas, and now Jimin told you that he had practice. Who were you expected to spend Christmas with? However, you didn't want to get Jimin worried. You knew that he always prioritised your feelings over his job, and especially now with his group's comeback you didn't want that to happen.

It was now 9 PM and outside it had started to snow. Little flawless snowflakes were falling from the sky touching the ground softly. You looked out of the window and realized that sooner or later, you wouldn't be able to get out of the house because of the heavy snow. You had nothing to do and were completely sad because of the absence of company. You took out your phone and decided to listen to a christmas song. The first one that popped into your mind, of course, was Christmas Day by Jimin and Jungkook. The moment you heard Jimin's voice, without knowing it, tears started running down your cheeks and you couldn't do anything to stop them. You had missed him so much and you just needed to see him. Deeply absorbed in your thoughts, you didn't hear the doorbell ringing.

The second time, the doorbell started ringing a little louder and that's when you realized that there was actually someone outside waiting for you to open the door. You got up and wondered who would be that crazy to leave their house on a day like that. Full of curiosity, you run towards the door and the moment you opened it, your eyes became really wide.

"Jimin?", you whispered, "what are you doing here? I thought that you weren't..."

"It's a long story. The thing is that I shouldn't be here, but I just couldn't help it being away from you. Now, could you please let me inside because I think that otherwise I will freeze to death? Wait... Are you cry-"

Before he could finish his sentence, you hugged him so tightly that he was surprised. But not more than you were. This time you realised the tears coming out of your eyes, but they were tears of happiness. Jimin put his one hand around your waist and with the other he lifted your cheek so that you could look at him.

"Hey, there's no reason for you to cry now, princess, I am here," he said, leaning in and kissing you passionately. It had been a while since you had kissed him but you still hadn't forgotten the taste of his lips. You closed your eyes, hugged his neck and kissed him until you both had to part in order for you to breathe.

"You know," Jimin said, "that works as well, I don't think that I am that cold now".

Blushing, you opened the door for him and you both sneaked inside. The music continued playing from your phone and the song had nearly ended. Jimin looked at you smiling and said:

"Were you listening to my song?"

He now had a smirk on his face.

"Yes, because I really missed you, pabo, and I thought that you were not going to come", you said in turn.

" Well, when the company informed me that I had to practice on Christmas day, I became so angry. I was so impatiently waiting for Christmas in order to spend the day with you, you know. I just couldn't stay in the studio and practice, knowing that my girl was spending Christmas alone. I was so sad and depressed and so, the guys, realising that, decided to cover up for me and let me sneak out of the studio", he explained.

"But you had practice, you shouldn't have come. It is your comeback and although you know that I missed you, you shouldn't prioritise me over everything else. I am not that important, I don't see why I should deserve you", you muttered. There, you had finally admitted it.

A hurt look appeared on Jimin's face. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him.

"Y/n, what are you talking about? You are the most important thing in the entire world for me. You are my girlfriend and you make me feel happier than I have ever been before. I should be the one not deserving you. You are just... perfect", he said before stooping you from replying and kissing your lips softly.

The kiss quickly heated up and you realised how much you had missed that feeling. You wanted to hold Jimin like that and freeze time, so that you could get to cherish this moment forever.

"So, what are we going to do for Christmas?", you asked seconds later, unwillingly breaking the kiss.

"Well, it seems like we can't go out because of the snow, so our date will have to wait", he said making a sad face. "I say that we stay inside, watch a movie and cuddle", he suggested, with a smirk on his face this time.

"Sounds good to me", you said, before leaning in for another kiss that lasted longer than you thought it was actually possible.

~•~•~•Author's note ~•~•~•

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