Chapter 3

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The next morning Oscar and I both get up early to see the sun arise. We both check our backpacks to see if any bears or wolves have stolen anything, but from what we can see, everything we brought with us is still here. I stretch my arms and legs, then go to see if Nathan is up, and by the looks of it he is.
"Nathan what time did you get up?" I ask him politely.
"I got up at around 6:30am. Why?" He asks back.
"No reason." I reply.
He looks at me with a concerned look, but I turn and just ignore him. I then go find Oscar, sitting in his tent, looking a bit better than what he was looking like last night.
"Oscar you seem to be looking a lot better." I say to him.
"I do feel a lot better too." He says.
I say to Oscar that we'll be heading up higher in to the mountains in about 20 minutes, so that gives him a chance to get dressed and have breakfast.

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