Chapter 25- Sirens.

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The truth is, I have a plan. I know where Minso lives so all I have to do is put the blame on Minso



I know where Hyejin lives. All I need to do is break into her house the way she did mine. The rest is simple... take back what was mine.



I get home and turn off my phone, not bothering to text Taehyung. I'm glad my parents aren't home this week and are visiting my grandma.

I eat some ramen and watch TV for 15 minutes before I start thinking about tonight. The worst night I've ever experienced in my life.

Right I need to stop stressing over this and get some sleep.

I go upstairs and sleep at about 00:25.

Goodbye all my worries.

Hello stressfree sleep.


It's midnight and I'm ready to clean this mess up once and for all.

I get dressed in all black including a mask and gloves and grab the money from inside my drawer. I leave through the back, garden door not risking the neighbours seeing me leave. I run for almost half an hour until I reach Minso's house.

Am I lucky my parents aren't home.

I text her from outside her house to check if she's asleep.

'Did you text Taehyung?'~ Hyejin

No answer. I'm not 100% sure if she's asleep but I've got to take the only chance I've got.

I look around making sure the there's no one around and spot a huge tree.

Aha! Climb the tree. Force open her window and plant the money.

This has to work.

I climb the tree wishing I wore less slippery trainers and finally reach her window. I could tell it was hers since it had the words "Minnie" painted on it. What a weirdo.

I try pull it up and realise it's locked.

Damn it.

I grab a hair clip from my hair and pick the lock for at least 5 minutes.

What? I'm new at this.

I finally get it opened and pull it up as quietly as I can.

I see Minso sleeping and let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Now let's get this over with.

I get into her room and place the money under her bed. At that moment everything went wrong.

Minso's eyes start opening and I panic. Dropping the money under her bed and running to her window.

"Hyejin! What are you doing?!" Minso shouts after realising what's happening.

I jump out of her window onto the tree and then finally onto the ground.

I try running while ripping off the gloves from my hands.

When I hear...


(Same time Hyejin left for Minso's house)

I haven't seen BTS in ages with everything that's been going on. Right now the only thing I have on my mind is my mother.

It's midnight and I'm ready to get back what's mine.

I go into my room and change into all black, including jeans, a hoodie, trainers and a mask.

I jump out of my window quietly trying not to disturb my father's sleep.

I take my dad's car to Hyejin house and when I arrive I go in through the garden door. Which is surprisingly unlocked.

This is easier than I thought.

I checked in the first bedroom upstairs and no one was inside.

I guessed Hyejin was sleeping in the other and so I looked around the empty one quietly.

I look around the house and can't find anything.

I get a text suddenly

'Come downstairs immediately! I can't find your mother's health money!'~ Dad

Damn it.

'I can't dad.'~Taehyung.

I have to leave before my dad finds out I'm gone.

What kind of dad looks for money at midnight.

I run out the back door and run across one road.

Immediately I get a text from my dad.

'That's it I'm calling the police about the money.'~ Dad

I try running home when I hear...


I grab the money from under my bed and run outside my house looking for Hyejin.

What a backstabbing bitch!

I see her and run towards her when I hear....





Heyyyy again. Enjoy this chapter loves ○.○

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