Apple Crumble

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  • Dedicated to My best friend Robin because she always has an appetite!

I wake up before Chris this morning. Only because I am freezing. I shake Chris awake so we can explore together.

"5 days to go" he says half asleep.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Yes" he replied.

"What do we have?" I said ,aiming to be nice.

"Hob-Nobs, tap water, old apples and a half pint of milk".

"Do we have any bowls?" I ask.

"One" he replies. "Do you even know how to cook".

"Yes" I say unsure. "I will prepare apple crumble".

He laughed. "How are you going to do that?"

"You mash the apples and milk in together, then smash the Hob-Nobs to make a pastry.Wrap the 'pastry' round the apple mix and pour more milk over it. Voila!".

"You seem so sure Stella. You are so positive, different and kind. How is all I ask?".

"How not?" I ask. "Yeah my life hasn't been great but the only way I can keep myself going is think about what happens next".

"You make your dish while I go see what happened to our room".

Teamwork, I was thinking. That's exactly what they're wanting from us. I get up and make the crumble.

We sit down and eat my master piece. He tells me the fire was put out last night so there is a hole in the wall but it has been fixed so we can't see out of it.

We really enjoyed a 'meal'. It was slightly moist and damp but who's complaining.

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