Chapter 4: Signs

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We were going out tonight to celebrate Phoenix's pregnancy and her and Brian's engagement. Everyone was going, Matt, Johnny, Fidelia, Zacky, Jimmy, the lovebirds, and I. We were going to a bar/ burger place a couple blocks away from Matt's place.

We all arrived at the place and got the biggest booth. We all sat down. From right to left was sitting Phoenix, Brian, Fidelia, Zacky, Johnny, Matt Jimmy, then me at the other end.

"How far in are you?" Fidelia asked excitedly.

"About two months and a half." Phoenix said.

"Do you know what's it's gonna be?" Matt asked.

Phoenix shook her head. "It's too soon to tell. I'll know in about two months."

"But that's too long!" Fidelia cried. "I need to start getting clothes for the baby!"

I laughed. "Don't worry Fidelia, two months will pass in no time."

Zacky's arm was around Fidelia's shoulders and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Yeah don't worry."

We kept on talking about the baby for about twenty minutes. Then Phoenix stood up.

"Where you going?" Brian asked.

"Bathroom." Phoenix replied. "Can you girls come with me?" she asked Fidelia and I.

We both nodded and headed with her to the bathroom. We entered and Phoenix went into a stall.

"Hey Erica how's living with Jimmy been?" Phoenix asked.

"Pretty good. He's really nice and he doesn't seem to mind." I replied looking down at my black painted nails.

"Hmm." Phoenix said.


"Nothing." she said. I heard the toilet flush and she came out. She started washing her hands.

I looked at Phoenix suspiciously. "What are you hiding?" I asked.

"Nothing." she said. She was drying her hands and she looked at me with a weird look on her face. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed."

"Noticed what?"

"Jimmy. He's in love with you."

"What?" I asked in bewilderment. "No he's not."

"Yeah he is." Fidelia said. "Everyone's noticed but you."

I crossed my arms. "He's not in love with me. We're best friends."

"Best friends can fall in love. Just look at Zacky and me." Fidelia said.

"Fine, they can. But Jimmy is not in love with me."

"Fine." Phoenix said. "Don't believe us? See for yourself. For the rest of the day see how he acts. He treats you like more than just a friend."

"I will." I said. "And I'll show you that he's nothing more than a friend."

Fifteen minutes later we were all siting in the booth. Brian had his arm around Phoenix, Zacky had his arm around Fidelia, and Jimmy had his arm around my shoulders.

Yes. Around my shoulders.

I had started noticing... things. He was friendly. Very friendly. And he did things only boyfriends did. Like having his arm around me.

I was nervous. What would I do? Did I feel the same way?

We were outside the bar/ burger place saying goodbye. Jimmy still had his arm around my shoulders. We said goodbye and Phoenix gave me a knowing look.

Jimmy and I walked to his car. He opened the door for me and closed it after me.

The ride back home was quiet. I was busy thinking.

We went in the house and sat in the couch. Finally we decided to watch a movie.

I was laying down on the couch with my head on Jimmy's lap. He was playing with my hair.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Go ahead." he said. His voice was soft and caring.

"Do you love me?" I turned so I could look up at him.

Jimmy combed my hair back with his fingers. "Of course I love you."

I nodded. "But are you in love with me?"

He hesitated, but I saw the answer in his eyes.

"Yes. I'm in love with you."

I sat up and looked down at my hands.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're Erica. Nothing more nothing less."

I looked up at Jimmy again. "Can I tell you something?"


"I think I'm feeling something for you too."

He smiled and came close to me, cupping my face.

"That's great." he said then he kissed me.


I knocked on Phoenix's door. Seconds later she opened the door.

Phoenix smiled at me.

"What's up?" she asked.

"You were right. He is in love with me. And I think I'm starting to fall for him."



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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