Chapter 1: Nightmares

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  • Dedicated to Matt Shadows, hope you have a great birthday:D

I woke up in my bed and I immediately sat up. I looked around and saw everything was in order. I looked down and saw I had my clothes on. I looked next to me and saw Nathan wasn't here. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. Nothing had happened.

I looked at the clock on my nightstand and saw it was 3:56 am. Nathan was probably out getting drunk.

I looked up at the ceiling. How did I come to this? Where I can't even trust my husband? Fuck, I'm scared of even talking to him. I know that if I say something he doesn't like I'll get my ass kicked. Like many other times. I was warned this would happen. But I didn't listen. I thought he would never turn like this. But the money got over his head. I worked as an assistant director, and I won good enough money to buy a house. I payed for more than half of this house. But Nathan was a business man. He had a lot of money. And thanks to that money, addictions came into his life. He started drinking. The alcohol got over his head too and he started having drinking problems.

I could never call the police on him though. They would never believe the wealthy business man would beat his wife. Of course not.

So I never called the police. I always tried to work it out. But I had come to the point where things became too bad. I was planning on telling him. Tonight actually.

Suddenly, I heard the door open and shut. I instantly knew it was Nathan. I slowly got up and put on a robe over my pajamas. I quietly walked down the stairs, over to the living room. I see Nathan stumbling in front of the doorway. He was definitely drunk. I was sick of this.

I took a deep breath. "Nathan." I called.

Nathan's head immediately snapped up. "What?" he asked rudely.

"I think we need to talk." I said. My voice surprisingly didn't waver.

"About what?"

"About this." I gestured at him. "This needed to stop a long time ago. But now I'm tired of this." I paused. "I want the divorce."

Nathan stared at me in shock. "What?! You want to fucking divorce ME?! Why?! Did you fond someone else who can buy you everything you want?!"

"No! I just want this to end! I can't live like this anymore!"

"Well too fucking bad! Because I'm not giving you the divorce!"

"Why not?!"

"Because I don't feel like it!" He came close to me and towered over me. "What are you going to do about it?" And I felt his ever too familiar hand connect with my right cheek. I stumbled back but caught myself. This was exactly what I was fearing. I looked at him and his eyes were full of rage. My eyes were full of tears. I quickly got up and ran up the stairs. I heard his heavy footsteps follow after me. I ran into the bedroom and tried to shut the door, but Nathan stopped me before I could. He pushed the door open and I stumbled over some shoes and fell to the floor.

I looked up at him, terrified. I knew what he was gonna do. I tried to scramble away but I felt him grab my hair. He pulled me up to my knees and he whispered harshly in my ear.

"Thought you were gonna get away huh? Well you're wrong."

He pulled me up and threw me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and punched my face. I kneed him where the sun don't shine. He groaned and I took that opportunity to get away from underneath him. I tried going for the door but I felt Nathan grab me by the waist and take me to the bed once again.

"You bitch!" he slapped me then he punched my stomach. I screamed. He put a hand over my mouth and started taking off my clothes. This has happened twice before. And I've tried so hard to stop it. But I just couldn't.

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