Chapter 1

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       My throught stung and my hands sweat. I griped the pincle so hard in my hand I thought it might break. My head spun and the words on the page were just a jumble to me. Why didnt I study like alex told me. I looked up at the clock, time ticked away. Im going to fail, I thought. Ill get held back whyle my friends pass or ill have to go to summer school, I worried.

      "Times up", Mr johnson said " Please pass up your packets and you are dismised". 

      I walked down the hall twords my locker. I had brown hair, Long; down to the middle of my back I wasent tall but I wasent short eather. I was always wereing my black hightops. Alex, My best friend was standing by my locker waiting for me. She was tall with brown hair down to her sholders. She was a christchan and was always trying to help me out 

      "How did you do"? she asked exitedly. 

      "I faild," I said with a sigh, "Didnt even get a single answer on the page".

     "Madison I told you you needed to study, your ganna have to go to sumer school or you will get held back" she exclamed sadly. 

     "due chill out its just school, I probely wont use half of the things I learn here anyway." I said although she was right I realy should have studied. 

     "You wont be able to go be in the mariens and then come back and be a UFC fighting cop if you dint pass highschool." she joked with me. 

      " Ill find a way to make that dream come true with all my Fs," I said as we lauphed and embarked on our jurney to my house. Alex stayed at my house till her mom got off work and came to pick her up. Then I was alone with nothing to do. Alex lived with her mom and her dad. I lived with my grandma because my parents split up, My dad whent off and got merried to another woman, and my mom was a druggie, always in jail. At one moment she loved me and at the next she hated my guts and wished I was dead. She slept around with every one, so I have so many brothers and sisters i cant even count. Ive only met one of my siblings. Caleb, he is my big brother. He annoys me part of the time, but I still love him. He is the only one who is there for me when I need it most. I feel like he is my best friend and not my brother. He came running into my room and jumped on me. He was 18 and has spiked brown hair. Hes not over wight but it still hurt when he landed on me. He ran his hand throgh my hair making it a mess. 

         "How did you do on the test"? Caleb asked. 

        "I dont realy want to talk about it right now", I said as the smile left my face. 

       "You didnt study did you? You fail didnt you? Me and Alex told you to study. Your ganna get held back, why cant you lisen to me sis". He ranted to me. 

       " Caleb your not helping, I tryed my best. I just have alot on my mind right now. I thought you were there for me through andything!" I yelled back as tears began to pour from my eyes.

       "I am here for you, I love you. Im sorry I yelled. Its just, i think you should realy try at school i tryed and look at me im a big success."He said as he pulled me in for a hug. I asked him to leve I just wanted to be alone again. My stomack hurt and I felt sick. I thought about the test. Caleb was right I am a failer and Ill never get a job. No one loved me and no one would care what happend to me. My phone vibrated as I cryed. I looked down, it was my mom. 

      Mom: I herd that you faild your test today. I knew you were a failer from day one. I dont love you, i wish you were out of my life forever. Im just ganna send you to a syce worde. Love mom :)

     I throgh my phone accross the room. Im done, Im done I thought. My life sucks and Im through. Noone cares about me and I dont care about anyone anymore, I dont even care about my self. 

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