The End

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Yet another wave sent the tiny boat spinning through the swell. Rain pelted down, leaving each and every passenger soaked to the bone. The sky above was brooding and solemn, with great flashes occasionally lighting up the world.  

Ara turned her head and squinted through the rain. In the darkness the girl could just make out the remains of the sails, tattered and ragged, being torn up from where they were fixed and tossed into the air. They hung there for a second before being dragged down into the waves. In a second they were gone.

It was impossible to tell that she was crying; her tears were washed away at once by the thunderous rain.  Choking back a sob, her hands gripped around the rail. The boat lurched again below her as another wave sent the salty ocean mist into her face. The stifled sounds of screams clashed with the churning of waves and the creaking of the old boat.

Suddenly a cry sounded from somewhere behind her. ‘We’re sinking!’

Despair and fear filled her, and she no longer felt the biting wind on her cheeks.

The great grey ocean swirled below her. Taking a deep breath of salty air, she pulled herself to her feet, feeling the boat jerk around below.

Carefully balancing, the girl made her way through the tangle of crying bodies, her eyes squinting through the rain for anything that could keep her afloat.

The water began to lap over the sides, and more screams rang out. With an almighty jerk, the tiny wooden vessel tipped to the left, sending bodies tumbling weightlessly into the ocean. Ara hung onto the railing with the little strength she could muster.

An empty barrel, possibly once filled with flour or fresh water, lay ahead of her. Forced to let go of the railings for a second, the girl lunged across the deck, slipping and tumbling to the floor. Her fingers gripped the rough edge and pulled the barrel towards her. Relief flooded her body as she locked her arms around the only thing that could keep her floating when the boat finally sank.

Another wave rose up above them, threatening to crash down at any second. Water rushed over the girl, sending her spinning through the wave and into the sea. The freezing water elapsed and she struggled to pull herself back to the surface. Gasping, she scrambled to regain her hold on the barrel.

Around her, people were screaming and thrashing. Hands grappled at her barrel, trying to fight it from her. Everything moving too quickly, Ara kicked out into the water, the cold already numbing her inside and out.

Somehow, in the darkness the only hope of life was taken from her and she fought against the swell with no avail.

Within minutes, a boat had come to take the survivors away. It's search beams lit up the stormy sea, salvaging the few survivors. By then, however, it was too late.

Ara was already dead. 


Authors Note -

This is a piece I wrote for English class. Simply a one shot for our topic 'refugees'. Comments, votes and opinions would be greatly appreciated. If there are any errors whatsoever, please be sure to point them out.

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