Katherine's American Horror Story

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*I do NOT own American Horror Story

**I do NOT own any of American Horror Story's characters

***This is just a fanfiction piece based on the television series on the FX network

****PLEASE comment/vote

*****I DO own the Silvern's :]


The delapidated house stood atop the street, it's second story windows staring unseeing in to the fall gloom. The great maw that was it's porch stood agape, crooked like a broken jaw. Several windows were shattered, leaving jagged glass like the edges of torn flesh. The wounds were deep, leading into the dozens of empty rooms, full of history. As the rain poured, it gathered in pools on the sills of windows like tears in the eyes of a once loved but damned child. Everything about the house was wrong. Off. Hilter skilter. Askew. And that was exactly what drew Helena Silvern to it. The beauty, allure, history. The macabre, rot, intrigue. She liked to 'fix' things. Mend them, make them better.

Her husband wasn't as captivated. Jack's view was: A house is a house and a house is expensive. This house had so many flaws. A majority of the windows were smashed, the brick siding was crumbling, and the yard was a jungle. He sighed, feeling exhaustion from just thinking of the work they had ahead of them. But the price on the listing had been encouraging. Besides the cosmetic flaws, his wife was right. This was a diamond in the rough. The neighborhood was quiet and friendly, close to town. The house, which was more of a mansion, had a great view of the area from the upstairs windows. And the yard in back had enough space for them to install a pool, or get a family pet. Jack looked at his wife. She stood admiring the house as if it was the most beautiful piece of architecture she had ever laid eyes on. He smiled. It was a done deal. He'd move Heaven and crawl through Hell for this woman, so of course, he'd buy the house. Turning back to the car he motioned for the lone passenger to join them at the gate.

Katherine emerged from the Toyota with a slight frown shadowing her pretty face. She pulled one of her headphones from her ear and stopped beside her father, eyeing the house with an air of distaste.

"So this is it?" She asked dryly. She tucked a lock of auburn hair behind her ear and squinted through the rain at her soon-to-be new home. Katherine had always been a fan of vintage, but this house was borderline gothic. And totally creepy. Definitly not 'home' material. The town was nice. She'd been impressed by the modernization of the school and town hall. The tallest buildings in town. The school was huge, housing grades 7 to 12, with windows covering almost all the outer walls, large steel beams and concrete making up the rest. The townhall was equally nice. This old house was ancient. She shivered.

"You must be the Silvern's! Hi, I'm Janet. I'm the realitor."

Katherine nearly jumped out of her skin as a short stout women burst through the heavy front door. She had short, dark brown hair, kept neatly tucked behind her ears and wore a deep green business suit. The expression on her pretty face expressed joy and welcome, but her eyes didn't reflect either. It was all a mask.

Jack creaked open the gate and beckoned Helena and Katherine to enter the property. Helena grinned up at her husband and gave him a peck on the cheek, before eagerly crossing the barrier. Katherine made no attempt to step around her father, instead keeping her steady gaze on the realitor. Jack patted his daughter on the shoulder and approached the short, beaming woman.

"Yes. I'm Helena and this is my husband, Jack. The house is more beautiful in person!" Helena shook hands with Janet, followed by Jack. The trio dissappeared into the depths of the house talking animatedly, leaving Katherine at the gate. She stood frozen, arms crossed tightly across her chest, looking up at the house through thick lashes. The rain was soaking through her thin sweatshirt, chilling her to the bone. But something about the house chilled her in an even deeper place.

"Kat? Come in and get out of the rain!" Helena called from the broken front window. Katherine sighed but pushed the gate open and slunk up the narrow front path.


First chapter is up! Hope you liked it! :]

Please comment or vote. Feedback is greatly appreciated!

And in case you didn't notice, this story is MY version of American Horror Story...

As I go on, I PROMISE it will get more exciting. Just bare with me. :]

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