chapter 25 (part 2)

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Chloe's POV

Liam,Mariah,Joyce and Harry is accepted by their parents. I wish my mom also accepts Louis.

Georgia: Chloe my child you're too young for relationships. (Worried)

Chloe: Mom I'm already 19 years old.

Georgia: Yeah I know,but-

Chloe: Mom I can handle myself

Georgia: Fine, but Louis you are 21 right?

Louis: Yep.

Georgia: so your 2 years older for my daughter, What's your first impression to my

daughter? (Smile)

Louis: When she arrived at our hotel,she's really beautiful. I really love her from the start. Joy knew that. Its like looking to an angel.

Chloe: You didn't tell me that (blush)

Louis: Yeah,I'm scared at first.

Georgia: Don't you dare hurt my daughter. (Sternly)

Louis: I won't.

Georgia: Chloe,if Louis hurts you,tell me ok?

Chloe: Yeah mom.

Georgia: Alright Mr. Tomlinson you have my daughter.

Louis: Thanks Mrs. Georgia its an honor to be her boyfriend. Love ya Chloe.

Chloe: I love you too,babe.

It's great that my mom likes Louis. Louis is a funny guy. He always makes me happy. I'm really happy that he's mine.

Jane,Niall,Clarice and Zayn is going to be ask by Mrs. Abigail. I can see Niall and Zayn are tense,but I'm sure they can do it.

Jane's POV

Oh god. Here we go aunt Abigail will ask us.

Abigail: Jane and Clarice you both shut up ok. I wanna talk to Zayn and Niall very well. (Sternly)

Jane: Fine.

Clarice: sure thing,mom.

Abigail: How old are you guys?

Zayn: I'm 20

Niall: I'm turning 20 this september.

Abigail: How many ex do you have?

Zayn: I got 4.

Niall: I got 2.

Abigail: The reason why did you break with your


Zayn: Time and work

Niall: Haters and responsibilities.

Abigail: In your vacation in boracay had you make out with Jane or Clarice?

Niall: I hadn't.

Abigail: How about you zayn?

Clarice hold Zayn's hands to signal him to answer no.

Zayn: No we didn't. (Nervously)

Abigail: Good. Here's my last question. Have you cheat to someone?

Niall: Yeah

Zayn: Once

Abigail: To whom?

Zayn: My first gf.

Niall: To Jane.

Abigail: What happened Niall?

Niall: I cheat to her by kissing Joy.

Abigail: And?

Niall: We fight.

Abigail: And?

Niall: We fix it already.

Abigail: Niall don't do that again. I like you for Jane,and I accept you to be Jane's boyfriend. (Smile)

Jane: Thanks aunt.

Niall: Thank you. (Hugs jane)

Clarice: Mom,how bout' zayn? (Hopefully)

Abigail: I'm not sure.

Clarice: Why?

Abigail: You're my only child. I don't want you to get hurt. (Worried)

Clarice: But he won't do that.

Abigail: How sure?

Clarice: Because we trust each other.

Abigail: Do you think he thinks the same?

Zayn: I won't hurt your daughter,I love Clarice a lot.

Clarice: Mom,I love Zayn.

Abigail: (sigh) Fine. Zayn's accepted only if you admit to me the truth.

Clarice: Truth? (Shiver)

Abigail: Did you make out or not? (Raised one eyebrow)

Zayn: Yes we had. (Seriously)

Abigail: You can't lie to me Clarice,I know you.

Clarice: Fine,we had.

Abigail: I don't like that way. (Sternly)

Clarice: Fine,if you want me to broke up with him,just tell me. (looked straight at her mom)

Zayn: Are you? Going to break up with me? (Sadly)

Clarice: Yes. If my mom tells. (Looks at zayn)

Abigail: I want you to be happy Clarice. (Holds clarice's face)

Clarice: Then,let me go with Zayn. Cause Zayn is my happiness.

Abigail: (sigh) Alright. Anything for you.

Clarice: Thanks mom. And BTW let me change the topic,we will stay here just tonight,tomorrow the lads will have their concert,and we'll be there.

Joy: Yeah. Please.

Abigail: Of course.

I feel the pressure between the convo. But why does Zayn is not talking to Clarice?

Credits on AndreaMalik5

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