Joyce's POV
We finally arrived at america and the fans are still crazy at the lads arrival but I'm glad that simon agrees to have the lads 35 bodyguards to push the fans a little away from the lads........
Louis: HI!!! (Waves at the fans)
Liam: lou your so noisy
Fans: (screams) WE LOVE YOU ONE DIRECTION!!!!
Joy: (giggles) looks like you guys are still gaining more fans
Niall: what do you expect we are famous (wink)
Harry: I LOVE YOU TOO (wink)
Fans: KYAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Zayn: (laugh) you hadn't change mate, your still a flirt
Paul: hurry up hop in the tour bus now so that you couldn't get mobbed again
Joy and the lads: sure paul
We hurry up in the tour bus while paul put all our luggage in the compartment with the help of 4 security guards.... When were finally inside the tour bus the screams still got louder I sit on the sofa checking the lads schedule while niall went to the mini fridge liam and zayn watch tv while the larry are still waving at the fans they hadn't change.... I started feeling dizzy but I just ignored it.... I was still busy checking their schedule when someone sit next to me when I turn around I saw niall eating
Niall: hey
Joy: hi
Niall: are you alright?
Joy: yeah, I'm fi-
I didn't finish I'm saying because everything became black.................
Niall's POV
I kinda panic when joy just fainted I called all their attention they quickly went towards us.....
Liam: mate what happened to joy?
Niall: I don't know she just fainted! (Panics)
Louis: (touches her forehead) she has a high fever
Harry: how can she got sick?
Louis: her body must be tired that she got sick
Zayn: how did you know this?
Louis: oh, uncle michael said it to me when I talked to him last week (smiles)
Liam: enough talk we need to hurry home before her sick gets worst
We all nodded as I lay joy in my lap she didn't told me that her body can't be so stressed I'm kinda glad that she fainted when were close at the hotel..... Liam told paul that we need to hurry to our room so that joy can rest paul asked why did joy fainted and louis told him everything paul just nodded and we all immediately climbed down and we ran to our room that paul told us..............
When we reach the room I quickly place joy in the bed liam told the others to get some basin,medicines,basin, and a blanket...... When the others return liam immediately place the face towel in her forehead to low her fever........
Liam: she's fine now there's no need to panic anymore, I need to tell simon that joy got a sick be right back (leave the room)
Zayn: I hope she's alright (sadly)
Louis: who will stay here and take care of joy?
Harry and niall: I WILL!!! (Glares at each other)
Zayn: both of you?
Niall and harry: NO!!!
Louis: but who should take care of joy?
Niall: I will stay here and take of her
Harry: I object I should take care of her (glare at niall)
Liam: (enters the room) okay simon said let her rest for 2 weeks and also paul will just take care of her if were not here (looks at the lads) what's going on?
Zayn: niall and harry are kinda arguing who will take care of joy
Harry: I should take care of her
Niall: no way, your not gentle
Louis: uh liam, a little help
Liam: both of you stop if your going to argue I think I'll let louis take care of joy
Niall and harry: WHAT!?
Louis: why me? (Pointed to himself)
Liam: well, you and joy are kinda like brother and sister so I kinda trusted you (smiles) and also don't let joy touch any gadgets even her phone okay?
Louis: sure (smiles)
Harry and niall: but liam-
Liam: no buts, if you guys are just going to argue then I'll let lou take care of her now let's all leave lou alone so that joy can rest peacefully
We all just nodded as we leave joy and lou I can't believe I'm not at her side..... I just sit on the sofa and watch some football with liam, zayn and harry
Louis' POV
When the lads are finally gone I saw joy's eyes open slowly I smile as she wake up a little.... She tried to sit up but I didn't let her
Louis: don't force yourself love just relax your body can't hold anymore stressed (half smile)
Joy: what happened?
Louis: niall told us that you fainted earlier when I touch your forehead you had a high fever don't worry simon said you can have a 2 weeks rest before you can back to your work (smiles)
Joy: but-
Louis: no means no joy don't forced yourself your dad told me that you shouldn't stressed yourself
Joy: oh, can I call them?
Louis: sorry joy but liam said I can't
Joy: my parents might get worried at me specially my little sisters
Louis: sorry, but don't worry I'll call them later just please take a rest were really worried about your condition
Joy: (sigh) fine, I give up since I'm still feeling dizzy
Louis: good, don't worry I'll tell them your fine now (smiles)
Joy: thanks, lou can you leave me now I want to rest alone now (half smile)
Louis: sure just rest, if you need anything just call me okay (smile)
Joy just nodded before I left her closing the door when I went to the living room all heads turn to me
Harry: where is joy?
Niall: how is she?
Liam: why did you left her?
Louis: she told me that she wants to be alone so that she can rest peacefully and don't worry she's fine now
Zayn: oh, glad to hear that mate
Louis: I'm tired I'll just take a nap later lads
I left them as I went to my room and took a nap but before I fell asleep I called uncle michael joy's dad and told him everything I even heard her little sister scream ' daddy is talking to louis tomlinson of one direction!!!' I kinda laugh at that when I told him I'm gonna hang up he just said goodbye..... I want to meet joy's family specially her little sisters I remember that I already saw trixie the youngest sister of joy but I haven't met layla (chuckle) her family is really interesting and I hope that we can meet them in our summer vacation.......

Summer Love
Fanfictionjoyce,chloe and mariah lives in the philippines when they are high school but after they graduated they got seperated. joyce lived in ireland and she worked as a music manager Chloe lived in paris as a fashioned designer and also mariah lives in par...