i feel sick

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After 1 and a half hour of Driving or Max driving we have all the luggage in the back of my car We finally pull up at the airport Max drops me off at the entrance and Adam,Jin,John and Ross was there so they took their luggage I get mine we walk into the airport while Max parks my car I am shaking I never told you guys how my parents died well a plane crash when I was 5 ½ my mommy and Daddy where going on a business trip and they left me with sparky (Our dog) and our Butler that passed away age 14 :I life just sucks atm I am 21 sparky is with my 2year old cousins sparky is 16 in human years she has 6 pups 3 are with families I don't know I have one and my cousins have 2 my one is called Blaze I have a Kitten called Cheese puff anyway we walk to the gate max come running into me making me fall over ow my head I get up and hear Adam say "Max don't hurt her yet" wow Adam made it through Secretary so did Max Ross jin and Barney then it was my turn I take off my shoes and hand him my suit case and walk through BEEP BEEP No! "Um M'am all Metal must be taken off I look down at my neck no I promised my mom I will keep it on
I take off my wolf necklace and walk through silent I take my shoes necklace and shoes walk to the plane I grab Max's hand he look at me and shrugs we get on the plane and lift off now I feel sick

A/N yo thnx for over 50 views Btw school is stressing me out so 1 chapter per day atm thnx Btw I also need New Characters for did so fill out did form



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