Song Fic: You Belong With Me

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You belong with me.

Ok here Swayam and Thalia (The junior diva) are a couple. Swayam isnt exactly happy with the relationship coz of thalia, he puts up with her as he believed she was his true love as thalia called, while Thalia is a junior, who is very egoistic and rude, who wants Swayam around for popularity. Sharon is a part of the cheerleading team for st.Louis's basketball team, of which Swayam is captain. They're childhood friends who've become best friends over time and apart from that they're dancers too, in fact dance partners, and have a secret crush on each other.

Sharon's Pov:>

"(You're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset,

She's going on about something that you said)

He signals a cut the throat gesture meaning he's dead...prolly coz he teased her..

(But she doesn't get your humor like I do...)

I leave for my home, my mind preoccupied by his thoughts, the way he held me, the way we moved....i reach my room, fling my bag on the table, and reach out for my diary and headphones.

(I'm in my rom its a typical Tuesday night; I'm listening to the kinda music she doesn't like, but she'll never know your story like I do)

Dear swayam,

Why do you even hang around that witch? She doesn't even care about you, all she wants is her fame, can't you see it?? I love you swayam" i scrawled into my diary, two drops of tears falling into the page, when i remembered him telling me about his problems with his dad. From childhood till now, his dad was against his passion, his dance. He was a basketball player coz of his dad, he didn't want it. He wanted to dance, but he couldn't stand up against his dad could he? I continued writing 'Why do i not appeal to you like she does? Maybe coz she wears short skirts i wear t shirts; she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers; but i really hope that someday you see how i keep dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time. If only you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so why can't you see, you belong with me.

I put my diary aside and soon got engulfed in his dreams. Sigh, my routine eeveryday.


I was waiting for the bus when you walked through the street, in your blue and your worn out jeans. You reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I'm kinda thinking this is how it ought to be, life in a park bench thinking to myself 'Hey isn't this easy'. By the way you've got a smile that could light up this whole town. I think its been a while since you smiled, ever since she bought you. I ask you if your fine, and you say that you're fine, but I know you better than that. What are still doing with a girl like that?

Is it coz she wears high heels I wear sneakers, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers, while dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time. If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so why can't you see? You belong with me. My heart screamed as he went towards her.

It was prom night that day and I still remember you driving to house in the middle of the night the previous day. The water made you laugh and I knew you were about to cry. Obviously, if you're so called true love cheats on you and insults you in front of the entire college what more do wantt a person to do? I know your favourite songs so I played them to make you feel better and eventually you tell me about your dreams, hoping I'll know where you belong while thinking oh he's worthy of me. My heart could take no more when you broke down like that asking if anyone understood you and so I quietly asked "Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you? Been here all along so why can't you see? That you belong with me?" "I do? Coz I thought you belong with me...." you said, and that was enough for me to sprint into your arms and have the much awaited kiss. It was a very special one. A moment to cherish. Then later at prom we got crowned king and queen of the prom and our dance....everyone told we set the floor on fire with our passion and intensity. Now here we're 20years later happily married with two kids, reading our journey of love.

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