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The definition of a hero. That's something that people have pondered for years. Well, here's what I think a hero is. Someone who stands up for what they believe in. Someone who protects family and friends. Someone who is loyal to all ends. Someone who doesn't care who you are, where you come from, what you look like. Someone like Jillianna Marie Kahlani, the founder of Kahl, the strongest planet in the universe. Many other planets have tried to conquer us like the Miniol, the Starlo, the Havoi, but none have come close. I started off the same as my other Kahl comrades, a small and meager youngling. I grew up hearing stories of heroes of our past, but for me, there is only one, and that is Jillianna Marie Kahlani. I've always pondered on why she chose this planet, and now that I've seen the planet altogether after my coming of age, I see why. The greenery is far beyond what I've ever imagined. The plants flourish underneath our three suns, the trees seemed to grow taller when I looked at them, seeming to tower over me. They looked as though they were longer than 100,00 men on top of each other from head to foot. The mountains, they looked like they might have covered over half of our biggest sun if squashed flat. I had gazed at them in awe, joy flowing through me at the beauty of the planet I was apart of. Now, it has been a year since my coming of age and I am 190 in Kahl years, or, for you humans reading this, I would be 19 in human years. I am discovering things I never would have thought had happened. But, I should probably start from the beginning, for that would be the most polite thing to do in this situation of telling my story. It all started with my run-in with a boy not much older than I.

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