Day 2

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---------- The Baby Project ----------

The Baby Project copyright©2013 by leguitarist2001

All Rights Reserved.

Edited by JennilynRivera

Day 2

Bip. Bip. Bip. Bip. Bip. Bip. Bip.

I woke up from the sound of the annoying alarm clock, and turned it off. I feel so dizzy, and I don't want to go to school.

Suddenly, I heard a baby crying. Where the hell was that from? We didn't have a baby in this house.

Realization finally hit me after I thought so hard.

The fake baby.

I looked around the bed, searching for the wailing baby. The baby is nowhere to be found! I look at the floor, and the result is the same; the baby is not at the floor. Aha! Under the bed! So, I looked under my bed...

The result is, yes. The baby is under the bed.

How did that happened?

I grabbed the baby and put it on my bed. It's still crying. What to do?

I checked the diaper, and it's not full.

I know! I remember my mom said that the baby will cry if it is hungry too, because it can't speak and say “Hey mom, feed me! I'm hungry.” So, the baby must be hungry. Well, it didn't eat anything last night, and neither did I. So, obviously, even though it is fake, it must be hungry. I feed the baby with the milk that is in the bag; which is provided by Mr. Waltz. Well, I think it's actually provided by the school.

After I finished feeding the baby, I brought it down to the kitchen. Just in case it will cry again, I would be able to see it.

"Good morning mom." I said as I took a glass of mango juice.

"Good morning to you too mommy Julienne." She said, gesturing to the baby at the kitchen counter.

"Fake mother." I said.

Urgh... I'm not a real mom to be called mommy.

"Where's the baby's dad? Is he not here?" My mom asked.

"You sound like I have had sex with Chris and had a baby with him, mom. Oh please! This baby is not my child. Especially with that Chris Mason." I told her, shuddering. Then, I took another sip of my drink.

"Whatever honey, I'm going to work now. Eat your breakfast then go and take a bath. You look like a zombie. Then, don't forget to lock the door as you leave the house." She kissed my cheek and left the house.

My parents were divorced and I'm the only child. My mom works as a gynecologist. She always leaves the house at 7 a.m. sharp. Sometimes, she will be home early and sometimes late. I hate it when she will be coming home late, because she will call that evil devil to accompany me at home since I only live in this house alone with her. She always says it's better to be safe than sorry. When mom calls Chris to came over, that devil will always prank me. Seriously, I'm seventeen turning eighteen in few weeks already! I don't need that devil to look after me.

I finished eating my breakfast, I took the baby to my bedroom and went to my bathroom to take a bath. After 20 minutes, I got out and looked at the baby. It's immobile, with it's eyes closed and it's not breathing, In short, it's off.

Well, Mr. Waltz said that the baby will only be functioning after school until 7:30 a.m. the next day, because that thing caused a lot of problems if it is functioning during school time last year.

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