Day 28

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Day 28

I woke up in bed by the sound of Camien's crying. I didn't remember getting in the room. Chris. Did he carried me in? I walked over to Camien's crib slowly .

I gave her milk and changed her diaper before putting her back to sleep. I grabbed her bag and put some of her diapers, milk and clothes as we are  going back to my mom house.

As for Chris, I'm not really sure if he wanted to stayed in my mom house too. I mean, there's three bedrooms, one my mom's, then mine, and also the guest room which Sarah has invaded. When can she leave the house?

I walked out from the room and go to the living room. Chris were on the sofa with the blanket covering him and one hand fall to the side. I walked towards him and sit beside him. He's so beautiful. I can't denied that. Since he was small till now, he never failed to make my heart beat crazilly. But, he's not mine. Not anymore. I wanted to talked about what happened but he rather not.

I get up before I lose my mind and kissed him. I walked to the bathroom to washed my face. Suddenly the door swung opened.

" Sorry, I didn't know you're in here.. " He said and closed the door back. I opened it back and looked at him. He's back facing the door, running his hand through his hair. Mumbling something to himself but I can't hear it cleary. I tiptoed to him and tapped his back.

" Morning! " I said. He turned around and smiled at me.

" Morning.. "

" You can go in now. " I said to him. He nodded his head and get in the bathroom.

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get some drink. When I closed the fridge door, Chris was behind it. I jumped in shock. How can I not hear him went out from the bathroom?

" Don't do that again! You scared me! " I hold my hand to my chest.

" Sorry, didn't mean to.." He put up both of his hand. I turned around and put the glass in the sink. Chris walked behind me and wrapped his arm around me. His hot breath were on my neck and then was replaced with his soft lips. He kissed and sucked my neck. This actually caught me off guard. If I followed what I feel, I would gladly accepting what he's doing. But, we need to talk first. We need to clear whatever problems we have.

I hold his hand and stroked it with my thumb slowly before pulling them apart from my waist.

" We need to get ready now..." I said to him but it came out more like a whisper. He released me and turned the other way while running his finger through his hair.

I entered the bedroom and took my phone from the night stand. New message.

' Dress fitting after school. Bring Chris too - Mom '

Ah, nice.

I changed to my black skinny jeans and gray sweatshirt. So not in the mood to dress up. It will also make my job easier during dress fitting. Chris knocked the door twice before he stepped in the room.

" We need to go for dress fitting after school. " I tied my hair up into a ponytail and put on a thin line of eyeliner to my eyelid. From the reflection of the mirror, Chris is facing the closet, putting some clothes in the bag that I put my clothes and Camien's clothes too.

" I don't need a dress " He replied. Standing behind me, fixing his hair.

" My mom want us to be there. "  I turned and looked at Chris.

" Okay. " He smiled. He turned around and walked to Camien's crib.

" How's my baby girl doing? " Chris lift up Camien and hold it in his arm. Such a cute sight. I take our clothes bag  and my bag.

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