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Work was always something I looked forward to, mainly because it didn't feel much like work. This morning however, with the light rain falling outside and the Monday morning blues sinking in, I didn't feel much like going in.

I did regardless, which was why I was now sat in my small office with an amazing view, pen bitten between my teeth as I read through an article for one of my coworkers, using the red ink to circle and jot down any mistakes I could find.

I worked at a magazine, of sorts, primarily we were online besides the few copies we sold at coffee shops in the city. It wasn't some grand operation, though Milo always tried to make us grow anyway he could. I was the main lifestyle columnist, which was great as it allowed me to travel often and take the day off to go eat at restaurants and still call it work.

The office was up in a building near Radio City Music Hall, and had a cozy feel with the exposed brick walls and and art covering lots of the empty wall space. My office had large glass windows looking out over the city below, a simple desk that was covered in clutter and my macbook, the walls covered in pictures and bookcases filled to the brim with literature and travel guides.

Of course there was a picture of Harry and me hung up somewhere in here.

He had given it to me when I got the job, as a gift, before demanding that I actually hang it up somewhere, or else.

A small knock on the door sounded just as I finished jotting the last mistake down onto the paper in my girly scrawl, glancing up and smiling a bit. "Come in, I was just finishing this up for Eddie."

Milo strolls into my office, his blazer long since off and his dress shirt lacking a tie, a lazy smile on his lips as he sits down on the edge of my desk, leaning back some on the palm of his hand to peek at my paper.

"That's really annoying."I inform him with a smirk, making him roll his eyes with that charming smile that seemed to so easily spread onto his lips.

"You do know I'm your boss right? I could have you fired like that." He snapped his fingers in the air, as if to prove his point, making me just laugh and flip him off, leaving my office momentarily to hand Eddie his article before strolling back in and sitting down in my faux leather seat, looking up at him.

"Did you want something or did you just come in here to annoy me?" I question and lull my head to the side, picking my phone up to respond to the text Harry had sent me, asking where I kept my socks.

Lord knows what he's doing.

"I actually wanted to ask you for a favor."

I raise an eyebrow at that, shifting my focus back to him as I set my phone down slowly on the desk before folding my arms just below my chest. "What do you want?"

"I need you to let the new intern shadow you."

A groan immediately falls from my lips. "Milo, no. You know how awful I was at that last time. The guy hated me."

He chuckled a bit, "Emmett, yes. Andrew didn't hate you, he was just socially awkward. Besides, I think you'll like this one."

I roll my eyes and then my head around on my neck to stretch the muscles, as if I was under an immense amount of strain from his one simple request. "I don't have a choice really, do I?" I question and look up at him under my lashes, him smiling sheepishly and shaking his head no.

"Fine." I huff with a soft sigh, spinning in my chair to glance at the clock on the wall behind my chair, "When do they start?"


I immediately spin around in my chair, eyes wide like they may pop out of the sockets as he just laughed. "What would you have done if I said no?" I snap, him simply shrugging.

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