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"Ice skating? Seriously Harry?"

I can't help but laugh at the childlike grin on Harry's face as he nods with excitement, his fingers tangling together with mine, yanking on my arm as he trudges us inside the rink.

"You're gonna rip my arm out of socket." I tease him with a huff, him rolling his eyes. Despite that his tugging lessened just a bit, still weaving me through the place packed full of people.

It was oddly crowded tonight, though it was a weekend, and it was the perfect weather for it. The air was just cool enough, not snowing but not particularly warm either, the temperatures had been steadily cooling off these past few weeks.

All around there were couples and families alike, as well as a few pretentious looking soccer moms who stuck their noses up at anyone who walked past them.

Why Harry wanted to take me ice skating as a surprise was beyond me, but I couldn't bother to ask. He looked like a child, head whipping around to see the different sights, the bright lights of the city the perfect backdrop to his handsome face.

"So, you do know I'm horrible at this right?" I question, raising an eyebrow as he releases my hand once were in line at the booth labeled 'skate rental'.

"That's okay, I'm a master so I can teach you!" He grinned cheekily at me as he spoke. Out of the corner of my eye I could see people staring at him, probably wondering if he was who they thought he was.

As if his slow talking and deep accent didn't give it away.

"Sure Harold." I snort and shake my head, gently brushing past him when the line moved. I glance up at the lanky looking teenager behind the counter, one headphone stuck in his ear, the other dangling by his side and faintly sending out the sounds of his music.

"Size 8 please." I request, jumping a tad when I feel a large palm on my lower back, glancing over to find Harry right next to me. "And a size 11, thanks." He added, the kid turning around slowly and walking off to find them.

"Don't call me Harold. That's not my name. How many times do I have to tell you that?" Harry huffed softly, leaned over so his lips would brush my ear when he spoke. A shiver made its way down my spine slowly, his husky voice enough to make my knees tremble the smallest bit.

A smirk spread over my lips as I turn my head to look at him, our faces close together which I tried to ignore. "It's close to your name." I shrug and laugh, him rolling his eyes and shoving my shoulder.

He stood up straighter again once the kid came back, exchanging the two pairs of skates with Harry for the folded up bills in his large, ring clad hand, before we headed over to a bench and slipped them on.



"How do you stand up in these?" I huff and glance over at him on the bench after lacing up the beaten up white skates, the bland a shiny, sharp, and far too thin for me to balance on.

Harry snorted and got up, wobbling some despite the cocky look on his features. "It's not hard, just...stand?" He said with his face slowly contorting some. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Gee, thanks. Great explanation. You should become a teacher" I huff, him laughing, the laughter getting harder as I slowly rise onto my feet, ankles turning inwards and hands flailing around to try and find something to hold me up.

"Stop laughing at me!" I huff as I grip the railing of the rink, little kids zooming past inside, making me feel even more inferior.

"Just, cmon. I'll help you" Harry laughed, grabbing onto my hand for the second time this night as he stepped slowly onto the ice, tugging me forward and onto it.

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