The talk

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Mum said " Your sister has cancer"

Cookie start to cry.. She ran to the bed and look and she say "Sissy"

Lily look up and a smile her blue eye have a glow in it.

"Dont leave me" said Cookie

"I am not going to leave you" said Lily

The mum come over... We have to go now. Let you get some sleep. Cookie did not move she just stood their and shook her head no. Her mum tryed to get her to come home but Cookie just stood their.

"Cookie" yelled her mum

Cookie just looked that her mum and tears came runiing down her face. Mum walked up to her and just hold Cookie in her arms. Cookie's mum pick her up and walked out the door.

Cookie vryed all night and mjss school to see her sister. When she come back to school everyone just smile and give her a hug. Evrytime sge come home from school sge took off to the hospital to see her sister. But wgen she hot their her mum was already their. Cookie listen really closely.

Doctor " lily will not make it"

Mum "What can i do.. So she can make it"

Doctor " just pray and give her hope"

The Doctor walked away and the mum saw Cookie. Cookie walked to her mum and ask " what did the Doctor said"....

Her mum look into her eye "you habe your sister eye Cookie big and light blue"....

"What did the he say" said cookie when she was crying

Mum look up avain and said " she mivht not make it"

Cookie ran into the room where her sister was and look u to her eye.. Cookie say with her intill the next day... The Doctor walked in and saw her sleeping on tbe floor... The. Doctor vive her a cover and a pilow..

Mum came to pick Cookie up. Cookie was sad she did not want to go to school. But she had too and everyone at school was looking that her funny.. She ran in to the school bathroom and did not come out intill the last class ring.. The school called her mother and her mum was waiting out side to get Cookie..

Cookie waled to her mother.

Mum "we cant go to the hospital today we are going to grandma"

In the car to her grandma Cookie was sleeping and her mum and grandma was talking.

Grandma " how is lily"

Mum " not good"

Grandma "All we can do is pray"

Mum phone ring and it was the hospital calling ....

The Girl Name CookieWhere stories live. Discover now