Shes what?!?!

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"Emilie is in a coma. Her right arm is broken but that's it. The only thing is, we were testing on her and we found out that she had cancer. Somehow it's been undetected but now we know." Emilie's mom busted out into tears  and demanded to see her child right away. The nurse took both parents to see their children in the rooms. Both rooms were right next to each other (room 219 and room 220).
-Emilie's room-
Cheryl (A/N the name of Emilie's mom
BC I'm tired of calling her Emilie's mom) ran in and hugged Emilie. Her body seemed lifeless and cold. She sat down in the chair next to her daughters bed, held onto her hand and watched the tv in the room.
-Marcus' Room-
Carrie (A/N Marcus' 'moms name) walked in and lightly hugged Marcus in an attempt to not push down on his cast. When she hugged him he woke up and tried to wrap his arms her. The nurse explained what happened during the impact and what bones he broke. "What about Emilie, Mom?" Marcus looked up at his mom with a broken smile. Hoping for good news , Carrie uttered "Son, Emilie is in a coma... and" "SHES WHAT?!?!" "She's in a coma and" "and what?" "Honey. The doctors ran some tests and they found a malignant tumor. Emilie has cancer." A hot tear fell from Marcus' eye. The another and another. " I want to go see her" "Will that be okay nurse Helen?" "We can make that work" Helen assisted Marcus out of his bed and set him in the wheel chair.
She pushed him to room 220 and set him next to Emilie's bed. Marcus broke down and tried standing up. He found the strength to get up and hug her. As a tear came from his eye, it went down Emilie's body and stopped. Emilie slowly opened her eyes and saw Marcus on her. "Hey, what's wrong?" Overcome with joy, Marcus yelled "OH MY GOSH, YOURE AWAKE !THANK GOD" "Cheryl jumped up and hugged them both tightly.

After a short conversation, Cheryl decided to tell Emilie about the doctors findings. "Sweetie, when the doctors were testing running tests, they found that you have cancer. It's been undetected up until now but it's run in our family, It's skipped two generations now, we just thought maybe it would skip yours too."

There a moment of complete silence. "How do you feel?" said Cheryl. She sat quiet. "I'm scared mom." Tears flooded her eyes. After minutes passed, Emilie said "All that's important is i'm still here, right now."

Nurse Helen walked in to get Marcus back to his room to give him his medicine. The two left.
"Marcus covered you in an attempt to save you. You know that don't you? He's a good kid honey. Said you were blacked out after you hit water so he sat you debris from the plane. Fire and rescue came and took all the passengers to the hospital."

After a short conversation with the doctor who wanted to talk about treatments and medicines, the two watched the TV mounted onto the wall.

News reporter: We bring updates on a recent plane crash of flight 396. Investigators say the engine caught fire and shattered to pieces on a flight headed to Paris. With 102 people aboard, 6 have been wounded and are in stable condition while the rest were found dead at the scene.
Cheryl looked at Emilie and grabbed her hand. Wording to her daughter, she said "you're a lucky one." ad a tear rolled down her cheek.

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