Bailey mind Omg Kenneth Paul San Jose is singing to me he is so nice but what about Thursday he hurt sean I'll forgive him he was just jealous.Whoo his holding my hand
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Everyone:Awwwwwww *Bailey laughing* Kenneth mind Bailey's laugh is so cute I think I like her but would she forgive me from what happen with me and Sean
*After the party* K:Bailey I'm sorry about Thursday do u forgive me B:Yea it's ok K:I only did that because I like you Bailey B:I like u to *Bailey n Ken kiss* Bailey mind Why did I kiss Kenneth I kissed Sean to what if they make me choose what should I go with Kenneth or Sean they both are cute n really good dancers,good kissers I'll just think about it
Ken mind Should I just ask her out or wait, what if Sean trys to take Bailey out I'm going to ask her K:Bailey can I tell you something private B:Yea sure guys I'll be back Girl's:Ok Ken n Bail walking outside K:Bailey would you like to go out with me B:Sure K:Yes thx for forgiving me Bailey love you😍 *Ken leaves* Boogie:Bailey you should not date Ken B:Why Tati:Because we known Ken for years and all he does is just hurt girls feels B:Really Tati:Yea B:But what if he changes for me Tati:Ok then, do you guys what Starbucks B,Bo:Yess *Bailey,Boogie,Tati walk out and see Kenneth kissing soni* B:Guys I guess you were right (Runs) K (Screams)Bailey wait T: Dude really and she said that she really loved you and was happy Bo: Dude that's not right *Tati,Boogie run to find bailey* Sean POV Why is Bailey hiding I'm going to talk to her S:Bailey(Sean go's to find Bailey) B:What do you what Sean (Crying) S:To know why your crying B:Ken ask me to be his girlfriend then me Tati,Boogie and me were going to Starbucks and we saw Ken kissing soni S:Oh yea I forgot to tell you that Ken is a player B:But why me S:When you saw Ken kissing soni did he look like he was trying to get away Bailey B:Yea he did why S:Because soni and him were dating but Ken broke up with her and she always lies to the girls that he dates so maybe Ken didn't mean to make you cry B:Thanks Sean S:For what B:Help understand the problem (Bailey hugs Sean) S:No problem just know that I'm always here for you ok B:Ok thanks Tati Boogie, Ken find Bailey talking to Sean K:Bailey B:Get away from me (walks away) Sean come with me S:Ok? K:(whisper to sean)Tell me tomorrow what's happening S:Ok (Follows Bailey to his house)
TBC Tell me if these are good plz The next scene is going to be a little nasty