The start of Gati n maybe koogie

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S Bailey not trying to make you mad but I saw you kiss Ken
B How do you know n why would that make me mad
S when Ken kisses a girl his cheak turns red n Bailey do you won't me or Ken
B I'm dating you tho
S I know but I see the way you look at him Bailey
B so ur really making me choose Sean
S Yea if you choose him it's ok Bailey just choose or want time
B I need time
S ok
What is taking them so long
T why do care (Leans to Gabe chest)
K because um we have dance tomorrow
T ok
G guys what are we dancing tomorrow
K what do you mean by Justin Bieber
G ok
Sean n Bailey come back
S ok we are ready to leave
K Finally
T I'm hungry
B me to
K well to bad
Bail n Tati turn to face Ken
T what did you say boy
B now cuz of that u are paying the food
K really ok can we call boogie so that the whole squad is here
B ok but you call her
K ok (Calling boogie ) boogie the squad is going out do you want to come
Bo sure but can you pick me up
K sure (ends call) Bailey we have to go pick her up
B ok let's go since we have 2 cars me Sean you n Tati Gabe go pick up boogie
S ok let's go
Sean Bailey Ken go to Sean's car
T ( calls bailey) Bailey
B hey tats
T Bailey we can't pick boogie
B why
T cuz Gabe want to show me something
B ok bye
T bye (ends call)
B Sean we have to pick up boogie and boogie always Sits in the front so I have to go to the back
S ok
Bailey goes to the back
At boogies house
B I'm going to text her
Boogie this Bailey we're outside waiting
OK Bailey I'll be there
Boogie comes to the car
Bo hey guys
B,S,K hey boogies
Bo so where are we going
B idk let me call tati
Bo ok
Bail calls Tati
B Tati where are we going
T we going to wingstop n were here waiting
B ok (ends call)
B we going to wingstop
S ok but first I need gas
*goes to gas station *
Sean gets off the car
K(Grabs Bailey hand)
B(pulls hand away n look at ken)
Sean comes back
S guys were here
Everyone gets off n walk in
Ken Bailey Sean on one side
Tati Gabe Boogie on the other side
T girls let's go to the bathroom
B ok
Bo let's go
Girls go to the bathroom
K Gabe so how is u n Tati doing
G we are doing great before we came here I took her to a place that is really beautiful
S really we should all go tomorrow
K forgot that I'm single
S just take boogie
K I don't like boogie
S just say that it's a squad thing
K ok but if she thinks I like her it's all your fault
S ok
G but it's a suprise ok
S,K ok
G girls are going back act chill
S,K ok
Girls come back n sit
G are you guys busy tomorrow
Bo no not all
B no
T no
B why
G just ask
B ok
Food comes they eat
And talk
S hey let's go to my house n have a sleepover
Everyone ok
*Skip to house*
S so what game should we play
B truth or dare and spin the bottle
Everyone ok
B Kenneth truth or dare
K dare
B I dare you to kiss boogie in the mouth
K ok (kiss boogie)
Bo (blush)
G Bailey truth and dare
B dare
G I dare you to go outside naked
B ok(goes outside naked) done
S Tati truth or dare
T dare
S ok I dare u to kiss Gabe
Tati n gabe kiss

jamyagathright been asking me when is Gati happening and this half of the Gati story hope you liked it

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