Chapter One

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Can't I live a normal life, with a normal family, and a normal mind? Apparently not. When I was born into this world, my mother had left me right after birth, leaving my dad to take care of me. No child support included. It's kind of funny, isn't it? The whole "I'm going to bring you into this world so you can live a miserable life" ordeal. Not my ideal living situation, but it appears I'm stuck with it.

A few weeks ago, I told my dad to go out and get a girlfriend, since all he does is sit in his room and work. A few days ago, he decided we are just up and leaving to go to Colorado. I do realize that Oklahoma and Colorado are quite close, but I might as well be across the damn world. Leaving all I've ever known as home is complete bullshit in my opinion. Why we are moving, you may be asking? He met some girl online. Stupid right? They have never even met, and here he is just moving us to Colorado to be with what I think is an ax murderer. However, this ax murderer happens to have a son around my age! Wonderful right? Guess again. The last thing I need is to be living in a house with a sloppy, rowdy, teenage boy. I did NOT agree to this, nor did I have any say. Hell, I don't even know what they look like! The worst part is they've only been dating, let alone know each other, for a matter of about a month.

"Alice, are you packed? Right after school we are leaving for Colorado!"

My dad was calling me from downstairs, and although I could hear him perfectly fine, I chose to ignore his question. Which had then lead me to an angry father bursting into my room to make sure I haven't killed myself. He likes to pretend he knows everything about adolescents, so in his mind a huge transition like this can bring on or worsen depression. In reality, he most likely found that on the internet or made that up with what logic is left in his mind.

After arriving at school, I was met with sad faces and open arms. Being a small town of about 1000 people, the news had gotten around pretty quick that I was moving. Most people in my situation would take all the support they can get, but I would rather remain untouched and silent. I want this school day to never end, but of course the dismissal bell had rung all too soon, and I was met by a moving truck waiting for me to get outside. I was supposed to walk home and get to say goodbye to our tiny little apartment, so why is he here? I was met with an over excited father as I climbed into the cabin of the truck.

"Dad, I thought I was going to help you with the last load before we left. Are we leaving right now?" I was all too confused.

"Honey, I know you aren't fond of this change, but I decided to have some friends help so we can get out of this dump and into a fresh new life." There he goes again with his 'for the better' talk. But that is where he ticked me off the most. I am already struggling with what I have now, why try and fix things that can't be even remotely mended?

"Don't you think I'd want to say goodbye to the only place I could comfortably call home?" Of course I was only met with silence and a sad smile. "Whatever dad, you never think of what I want, just drive."

Knowing him, we would be driving nonstop the whole way. Of course bathroom and food breaks were included, but I could tell this was going to be a long ass drive that my tired ass will have trouble sleeping through. I was not ready for this change and I don't think I ever will be.


All of the story and provided content is all my idea. Other stories with alike ideas that may exist have not been copied from. If thought, I am completely sorry for having an alike mind as that awesome person. Message me if you have an issue, but as far as I'm concerned, I produced this story. Thank You!

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