Chapter 13

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I groaned as I attempted to lift my head. I lost all energy and laid back down on a hard surface. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, trying to get my vision clear. My eyes were greeted with Adrien's dark hair. I attempted to get up, but his arm was draped protectively around my waist; and he wasn't letting go anytime soon. I wiggled my arm out and attempted to get him to release me from his arm.

"Grey," he murmured, causing me to wince. His eyes slowly opened and he looked at me. He pulled me on top of him and wrapped his other arm around me. "I'm so glad you're ok," he breathed out in relief.

I pulled away from him. "What happened?" I groaned, rubbing my forehead. Stupid headache.

"You had an allergic reaction to the fish and collapsed. The doctor said you were fine, just needed to rest and get it out of your system."

I looked down at our position. "What happened before I collapsed?"

He sighed and placed my hair behind my ear. I felt a slightly spark sensation on my skin that made me confused. "I had one too many drinks and said some stupid things. I don't want my sister to get hurt again. Every guy here has been after her so I made a rule that she can't have any relations with them. She just stopped talking to all of them all together. The last thing you told me was that I needed to give her a second chance." He paused. "I told her she didn't have to follow to rule anymore."

I let all this information sink into my spinning head. I blinked my eyes trying to get the dizziness to go away. He sat up, bringing me with him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into his neck. "I guess I dreamt you told me I was worthless and you didn't want me as a mate. I rejected you."

I pulled back to his eyes widened and he placed a hand on my cheek. "You are not worthless and I will never regret having you as a mate."

I smiled and pulled his head closer, effectively connecting our lips together. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled his closer. Our breathing became ragged and I knotted my hand into his hair.

He groaned as a loud knock was heard from outside the door. "Who's there?" He called. His deep morning voice made me get closer to him.


He rolled his eyes and I slid off him as he got up to open the door. As he turned on the lights, I buried myself under the covers.

I heard the door hand creak and Xander's footsteps on the floorboards.

"What do you need Xander?" Adrien said yawning. I popped my head above the covers, and slowly made my way to the edge of the bed, Xander's back facing me.

"Here's the list of rogue attacks within 10 miles of here."

I saw Adrien take the papers as his gave me a look from the corner of his eyes. I placed a finger over my mouth, indicating him I didn't want Xander to know I was there.

Adrien quickly scanned them and tried to distract Xander. "So how's Ashley doing?" He asked, crossing his arms, trying not to laugh.

"She doing good she-"

I cut him off my jumping on his back and pinning him down. Adrien let out his laugh and clutched his sides.

"Get off me," Xander murmured from the floor.

I got off him and helped him up. "That's for telling Adrien about that guy!"

Before he could say anything I cut him off. "He forced himself on me," I explained. His eyes widened and his mouth formed an oh shape. I smacked him upside the head. Adrien walked passed him as he walked to his desk and casually did the same. Xander rubbed his head and grumbled to himself.

Adrien pulled out a pen from his desk and began to mark on the paper. "Two attacks weren't far from here. One was just outside our border."

I rolled my eyes. "Adrien."

He turned around and looked at me. "You killed them remember? The ones who attacked Alec and Nyx."

He blinked. "I knew that."

"Of course you did."

"Can I go now? I have to get back to Alec and Nyx before they destroy the kitchen," Xander said. I perked up a bit. "Can I go with you?"

"Knock yourself out. There two little demon spawns."

"Hey!" Adrien whined. Xander and me laughed. "You coming with us?" I asked. He shook his head no. "I have to get these to Carter. We need to analyze them before the meeting tomorrow."

I gulped at the mention of the meeting but nodded my head in answer. I pecked him on the cheek before I had Xander lead me to the kitchen. I didn't like the look all the guys had as I passed them. I moved closer to Xander and he slowed down and walked behind me. He pushed me along when I heard a cat-call in the background and had stopped.

"Just keep moving," he whispered. I took a deep breath and moved along. I ducked when a spoon came in my direction. It whipped past my head and hit Xander in the face. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to keep in a laugh. I turned to look at the source to see Nyx's stunned face and Alec's smile. Somehow they had made a spoon slingshot with two cups and a hair tie.

"That was awesome!" Alec cheered, throwing her hands in the hair and high fiving Nyx.

"See! Demon spawns!" Xander said throwing his owns hands in the hair.

"Uncle Xander!" Nyx whined. He kissed the top of her head and picked her up. "Is daddy coming?" Alec asked, bouncing up and down. I stared into her hopeful little blue eyes and almost wanted to lie.

"Sorry, he has some work to do."

She stopped bouncing and began to pull at the hair tie around her wrist. "Figures," she said, letting out a drawn out sigh. I shared a look with Xander and he put Nyx on the ground.

"So do you guys want to watch a movie or something?" I suggested. Their eyes lit up and they ran out the door and into the other room. They opened a chest up and pulled out a bunch of movie box's. I blinked my eyes a couple of times wondering if the 80" tv I saw in front of me was real, or just a figure of my imagination.

I looked over at the scattered movies and internally groaned when I saw they were all covered in rainbows and glitter. I chuckled slightly when I saw a happy unicorn on the cover.

A human movie. If it was real, that unicorn on the cover would be killing somebody. They are not happy creatures when angry.

"This one!" They said, tossing it at me. I caught the flying target in my hands swiftly. Looking at them in amazement at the power it was thrown at.

"We alway joke they will become pitchers," Xander said, noticing my face expression.

"They'll be great at combat that's for sure."

He nodded his head and we observed the movie on my hands. We both rolled our eyes as it was some movie about a fairy princess.

He popped it into the DVD player and the seemingly endless movie began....

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