Chapter 14

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Next morning...

Grey's POV:

I swear Adrien is a freakin lion. I woke up three times, three times because of his snoring. It sounds like I'm in the middle of whale mating season.

I huffed, annoyed, as he spread out like a starfish and placed his arm on my neck and his leg on mine.

"Pain in my butt wolf," I murmured to myself. I then sighed out in relief as he retracted onto his side of the bed. You know, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't due to the insanely cold temperature Adrien keeps his room at. I'm pretty much just stealing his body heat.

"Adrien," I whispered. "Adrien."

I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed slowly and walked to his side. I noticed a cup filled with water on his nightstand and I immediately picked it up.

I lifted it over him, slowly moving the water to the lip of the cup. I jumped suddenly when a firm hand wrapped around my wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I smirked at what looked like Adrien's sleeping form. "Why ever not?" I teased.

I saw him smirk from the side of the covers and he jumped up and grabbed my waist.

"Adrien!" I screeched as he kept me in a tight hold and began to tickle me. Somehow I managed to keep the water in the cup and I leaped off Adrien's lap.

"Oops," I said, throwing the water in his face. He removed the excess water from his eyes and began to get up quickly. I dropped the cup and ran out the door.

"Grey!" I heard him call. I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and charged at me in full speed. My eyes widened and I turned the corner and ran into the first room I could find.

I began to breath in and out very quickly, shutting the door as I did. Dang...he's a fast runner. I turned to look in front of me and my eyes widened.

"Grey what are you doing here?"

I pressed my lips together and let out a nervous laugh. I had accidentally ran into Carter's room.

"Carter who is this?"

I turned my head to the sound of the voice. I found it belonged to a woman who looked a bit older that me. She was holding a cute little baby in her arms.

"That's Grey Dante; Adrien's mate so I've heard."

I bit my lip and let out another nervous laugh. "Did we forget to tell you?" I said. He rolled his eyes and nodded.

I nodded and let my eyes trail to the woman, who currently has a puzzled expression on her face. "Who are you?" I asked the woman. She stuck out her hand, supporting the baby with the other one. "May, the mate of the idiot over there."

Carter scoffed at her and playful threw a loose shirt in her direction. She removed it quickly and threw it back.

I laughed. "And who is this?" I asked, pointing to the small baby. "Annabell Clarice Black," they answered simultaneously. I smiled brightly and May began to hand her off to me. My eyes widened in surprise and I tried to put her back in May's arms.

"I'm not good at this stuff," I tried.

May gave me a reassuring smile. "Who is?" She moved my arms so I was supporting her head and blanket wrapped body. "See? It's okay, you're doing fine," she reassured. I breathed out in content and stared at her little face.

Carter and May breathed out in relief. "Finally, we've been trying to get her to fully go to sleep for an hour now," May whispered. I smiled at them, then Annabell.

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