Chapter 3

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Finley's first instinct was to elbow the Jedi who had touched her, causing the scarred man to stumble backwards. He regained his balance easily, but Finley had already started to sprint. Her hood was down, but she didn't think that they had enough time to closely examine her face. As Finley ran past a crowded pub, the girl noticed a wooden staff leaning against the outside of the building. She quickly grabbed it, and continued to run to her speeder. Finley could easily defend herself without a weapon, but by doing so, she would expose who she was.

"Nice one, Anakin!" The bearded man commented with sarcasm, as they continued to chase the girl.

"How was I supposed to know that she would elbow me, Obi-wan?!" The scarred Jedi, named Anakin, complained.

"How many times have I told you to be patient and use the force within our several years of knowing each other?" Obi-wan, the man with the beard, retorted.

"Can we discuss this another time, like when we aren't chasing a fugitive?" Anakin suggested, causing Finley up ahead to narrow her eyes at the word fugitive.

"Fair enough." Obi-wan replied, as Finley sprinted up to her speeder. The two Jedi easily caught up to the girl, and blocked all possible paths of escape. Finley pointed her staff at them threateningly, to prevent them from moving any closer.

"You are Finley Greyhelm, correct?" Obi-wan questioned, and examined the girl's face fully.

"No, the name's Finn." She argued, and glared at the two defiantly.

"A nickname doesn't change anything about your true identity." Anakin smirked, and crossed his arms.

"What do you want from me?" The girl demanded, pressing the end of her staff into Anakin's chest. Obi-wan sent his friend a warning gaze, that urged the scarred man not to do anything.

"We want you to come with us." Obi-wan stated, not unkindly.

"My home is here, on Tatooine. I'm not going anywhere." Finley replied, and pulled the staff away from Anakin's chest. She had no idea what these men were capable of, and had no intentions of finding out.

"I thought your home was Arkanis?" Anakin titled his head to the side challengingly.

"You don't know me." Finley snapped, with her glare intensifying. Anakin's smirk intensified at her reaction.

"The Jedi Council has been searching for you ever since you went into hiding. I think we know too much about you, if I'm being honest." The boy explained, with a casual shrug of his shoulders.

"What do you mean by that?" Finley demanded, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Finley Greyhelm. Red hair, blue eyes, fair-skinned, 5"5, native to Arkanis, went into hiding at age 12, currently age 19, was given several unknown powers by her parents, but the most commonly known display of power is her ability to control energy." Anakin began to list, as if a description of the girl was permanently engraved in his brain.

"That's seriously creepy." Finley commented, with a shake of her head.

"Maybe so, but it did help us locate you, didn't it?" Anakin grinned, while Finley rolled her eyes.

"There's no point in hiding who I am anymore if you've already found me. However, if I was to come with you, what would happen to me?" The girl questioned, and raised her eyebrows.

"The Jedi Council only wishes to speak with you, and find out exactly how much power you were given, as well as what you are capable of." Obi-wan replied, calmly.

"That kind of sounds like they want to strap me to an operating table and experiment on me." Finley pointed out.

"I can assure you, m'lady, that is not the Jedi Council's intent." Obi-wan spoke, slightly amused.

"Plus, it's getting dark, and we can't just leave you all alone out here." Anakin added, with one of his trademark smirks. Obi-wan rolled his eyes.

"I don't need your protection." Finley fake-smiled, although if looks could kill, Anakin would be long dead. The boy didn't reply but instead, waved his hand, and caused Finley to pass out using the force. Obi-wan quickly ran forward to catch her, and glared at his partner.

"Anakin!" Obi-wan complained, with disapproval.

"What, Obi-wan? This was getting tedious! I just saved us a lot of time!" Anakin argued, as the pair began to walk back to their ship with an unconscious Finley, bickering all the way.

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