-Knowing Your Enemy-

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Know your enemy. Know their nature. Understand their strengths and their weaknesses, their effectiveness and their vulnerabilities.

First things first: KNOW YOUR ENEMY. Zombie's come in two flavors (heehee): Fast and Slow.

Let's focus on the fast. Now, watching some zombie movies, most of them are pretty freakin' fast!

As far as you know, there is no cure to being zombified. So don't get bitten. 'Kay?

Odds are, you're gonna need more than your good ol' bat and a pair of running sneakers to protect yourself. These creepers are determined to feast on yur flesh. No matter how often you go without bathing (but just in case, wash everyday. No non-zombie will enjoy smelling your Z-day preparations)

Also, try and stay away from their other bodily fluids. Who's to say their blood isn't as contagious as their saliva?

On to the slow zombies. Well, they're slow. slower than you (hopefully) at least. Run. Why be stupid and fight? Kill what you can then run like hell. Don't look back.

Know yourself, and train yourself to overcome your own weaknesses. Sympathy or hesitation has no place in the fight against zombies. Don’t waste your time thinking about what they once were. They’re not human anymore.

A zombie's strength lies in it's persistence, it's mouth, and it's hands (if they're still intact)

A zombie is predictable. They are driven by the primal need to feed, and nothing else. As long as you’re aware of your surroundings and are expecting an attack from any angle (though easier said than done), you can successfully defend yourself against a zombie attack.

a zombie’s main weaknesses (coordination and inability to problem solving) are always a factor, this all relates to their level of decay.

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