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I am going to assume you are not currently dealing with a zombie outbreak.

Preparing now for the zombie apocolypse is a good idea. Don't forget what the TV preacher said, "When hell is full, the dead will walk the earth." So it's bound to happen some time (let's hope for later rather than sooner, hmm?). Because it would look weird if you were to start bricking up your windows or buying guns in unrational amount, it's time to get smart about this.

1) Know the person in your town who bought a bunch of spam to survive Y2K. They most likey still have a tun of the stuff around, annd probably knows of all the good hiding places.

2) The Second Amendment.(of the US Constitution. The right to bare arms! Buy a gun!! Go hunting. Learn to aim. If nothing else, you'll never go hungry (eating animals, I mean. Not Zombies)

3) Find all of the stores/retailers that carry ammo in mass amounts. If none is locatable, Wal-Mart never fails! Home Depot is also ideal, because it's got some sort of wacky cement mixture and lumber for boarding up your humble abode.

4) Be pretty (more specifically a girl)

Not to be mean or sexist (I myself am a girl) but think about it. If you're a pretty girl, guys will go out of their way to protect you. I mean, what guy in their right mind wouldn't try to save a pretty girl? Think about the possibility that everyone in the world would turn into zombies and died. He and you would have to repopulate. Guys are usually stronger than girls- so they can carry the food! Gotta have food, right? And they can also kill the zombies- I know I don't want to.

5)Hide and Seek. Not such a stupid game, now is it? Think outside of the box. Where would a zombie not think to go? While you're preparing, always keep in your noggen locations where people go alot- highways, malls, and schools. Stay away from those places should the dead walk. You might also think to mention friends and family of your hiding place (you DO have one, don't you?) and how well it's can be protective. I would, however, refrain from mentioning that you're preparing for the world to be taken over by zombies. It might end you up on a one-way trip to Broughton (an Insane Asylum).

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