Chapter 2 - Savages

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I wake up the next morning, and it's 3 am. Is my phone going off? I look over at it and it's Ash calling. I answer groggily, "Hello?"
"Hey babe. Wake up sleepypants."
"Well, I'm trying. I don't like waking up at 3 am, even if it's just to hear your voice."
I laugh when she responds, "Oh, so I'm not special?"
"Baby you're more special than anything and everything to me."
She giggled and said, "I know."
"So, why'd you call?"
"I missed your voice and thought you'd had enough sleep. I hope you don't mind."
"Eh, you know how I am about my sleep."
"Yeah, yeah, shut up. I'm more important."
I roll my eyes and laugh, "Yeah, I know baby."
We keep talking until my usual wake up time, 4:30 am. I tell her I love her then I hang up and go grab a pair of boxers and shorts. I then get up and walk to the bathroom, shorts and boxers in hand. When I get in, I set them down on the toilet, then reach in and turn on the shower. I turn it on pretty hot, just the way I like it. I remove my boxers from yesterday that I'm still wearing and climb in gingerly, minding the burn that I caused on myself. What would Ash think if she saw it? The hot water begins running down my body, taking all my stress away with each drop, even though it'll be only for a few minutes. A few drops hit the burn and I moan softly in pain.
"Fuck.. that hurts.."
I look down at it and see that it's now purple and slightly swollen.
"Goddammit... why did I even.. I knew it'd do this."
I roll my eyes and grab the soap, fumbling it when I first grab it, hoping not to drop it.

I laugh when I think back to elementary school and my friends and I constantly made jokes about dropping the soap. I shake my head and slowly begin covering myself in soap, starting with my left arm and going from there. After I cover myself in it, I put it back where I found it and just stand there. I silently start singing to myself.
"Run, Run, Run for your life
Lock your door and stay inside
Save yourself
If you can,
Cause your god has a heavy hand
Blood red skies overhead
My dark side is coming so you better play dead" I then skip to the chorus,
"Apocalypse is on its way.."
I keep silently singing as I step under the water and rinse my body. The soap comes off and I smile. I then duck my head into the stream of water and grab the shampoo. As I lather it onto my scalp, I begin to sing again.
"I would never die for you
Live a lie for you
I would never cry for you
Its a little too late to
What am I to do?
I hate you too."
I smirk as I rinse the shampoo out of my short hair. I then turn off the water and get out and dry myself off. I put on my boxers and shorts and go back to my room. Damn, it's only 4:50 am. What do I do? I usually leave at 7 so I can go grab breakfast then get to school, which starts at 8:05. I grab my guitar and start messing around on it. I don't really play a song, I just play random power chords and single notes. I decided my playing sucked, so I put it back on the stand. I then lied back down and picked up my phone. I unlocked it and starting going through Instagram. I looked at my profile.
"Should I change my username? I really do like phantomundead so I doubt I will."
I shake my head and go to my notifications. One picture I posted got to 15 likes in a few hours, go me. I then exit out of that and open up Snapchat. No one has bothered to Snap me so I immediately go to my stories. I look through them, mumbling their names to myself.
"Paige, Alyssa, Sarge, Carlie, Whitney, Ash, Callie.."
And the list goes on for about 60 more of them. About 15 minutes passed when I looked through all of them. So I opened up the camera and angled it well and took the picture. I really liked it, so I slapped on the black and white filter. I started thinking of a caption.
"Hmm, what to caption. I want it to be something dark..."
I then started typing and what came out was, "Better run, here we come, it's the day of the dead."
I smiled and posted it to my Story. I then locked my phone and lied back on my bed and turned on the tv, flipping it to The Amazing World Of Gumball, because it was on at the time. I laughed quietly as Darwin was having a sneezing problem when someone said something stupid, it getting worse each and every time. That episode went off after a little bit and then The Powerpuff Girls came on. (Okay look, I still watch these. Problem? XD) I slowly doze off then make sure to set an alarm for 6:45.

---------Fast Forward-----------

I wake up when my alarm sounds. I smile as I get up out of my bed, grab my phone, charger, headphones, and backpack. I then walk to the door and grab my keys, walking out of the door and locking it. I climb in my car, and hook my phone to my aux cord. I then hit shuffle as "Look At Me Now" by Deuce starts playing. I drive out of my driveway and begin driving towards school. I make my way into town, my speakers loud and my windows down because I don't really care. I pull up to McDonald's and turn it down and I place my order in the drive-thru for a McGriddle and a small Coke. I pull up to the window and pay, then get my food and I go to the school, which is very close. I park in the parking lot and eat my food. After that, I look at the clock. 7:20 am. Great. I get out and walk into the 500 hall. In that hall, I walk into the AFJROTC room. I greet Sarge and Major as I walk in and put my backpack down in the office. I grab my Recruiting binder and stare at it. The school year is almost over so I won't be holding this position anymore. Good thing I filled out three different applications.

I feel my phone vibrate and see that Ash texted. It reads, "Hey babe. Wyd?"
I text back, "Nothing really. Wby?"
"Sitting in my classroom. I'm bored."
"Yeah, me too."
"How are you feeling Nate?"
I look at my ankle and reply, "I'm good. You?"
"I'm okay."
"What's wrong?"
"People are dissing me behind my back, saying that I should go die and shit."
"Ashypoo I'm sorry. I love you."
"I love you too cx"
"Hey babe, I have to go. Major needs me for something. I love you so much."
"I love you so much."
--------Fast Forward to lunch---------
I look down at my greasy pizza and cringe. I thought school food was supposed to be healthy? I walk into the ROTC room with my lunch, and two of my higher ranking friends following. We all sit down in Major's room. (ROTC has three classrooms here.) We begin eating, and my friend Zach throws an empty ketchup packet at me.
"Stewart! Are you motivated?!"
I roll my eyes and respond, "Yes, sir."
"Go throw that packet away."
I get up and shoot it into the trash can. It hits the wall then bounces in. I smirk and I sit back down and keep eating. After I finish, I decide that Mikey and Zach are being boring so I go into the office and grab my continuity binder. I write in it that we are going to the middle school Thursday for the last time this year. I sigh and doze off then I hear the bell ring for sixth period, which is ROTC for me.

I go stand by my desk at parade rest and wait for my name to be called. When it is, I say, "Here ma'am", to show my flight sergeant that I'm present. She then puts us in our seats and we go over the exam. I answer most of the questions and the class goes by fast. My next and last class is Science. I fell asleep in it, then woke up to the bell for school to be over. I then walked to the parking lot and got into my car. I turned on my music again and started driving home.

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