Chapter Two

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I wish I could write things that people actually enjoyed, but oh well. Life sucks ;P

Ha ha I am just kidding, I am not that self conscious! Someone out there might like my writing, so to that person, here is Chapter Two!

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Sophie woke to the sound of her alarm clock buzzing. She reached across her bed and tried to silence it without opening her tired eyes, but failed terribly. Eventually, she got out of bed, and silenced the buzzing in defeat. Her muscles were tight and she stretched to loosen them before walking across the hall to her bathroom.

The house had two floors, the bottom one being bigger than the top. Her room and bathroom are upstairs, while her parents room and bathroom is downstairs. Along with her little brother and sister's room and yet another bathroom.  

Today was a big day, because it was the first day of Sophie’s sophomore year. The bathroom was simple; a little white sink with a matching counter, white tiles with pink patterns, pink walls, and a pink bath mat by the shower. She grabbed a fresh towel and laid it beside the shower and turned on the water. Slowly she slipped out of her pajamas and stepped inside, sighing at how relaxing the water felt on her muscles.

She washed her long hair with shampoo and conditioner that smelt faintly of apples. Once her hair was fully rinsed, she lathered soap over her body and soaked for a few minutes, until she could no longer deny the fact that she had to keep moving. Sophie turned the water off, dried her body, and then wrapped the towel around her before going back into her room.

It took only a few minutes to decide on an outfit, and then she was changing. She wore dark wash jeans, a black tank top with ruffles, and a grey sweater to hide the fact that she was wearing spaghetti straps. After finishing the outfit with a pair of grey converse, Sophie ran back into the bathroom to see what was left to do.

Her hair was naturally curly, but even after blow-drying it still required a curling iron to even out different sections. By the time she finished, her brown hair fell in waves down her back, and she admired the natural light blonde and red highlights that were visible in the light. Everyone said she had pretty eyes; they were hazel, green around the edge and brown around the pupil. They naturally popped out with the black line surrounding them, but she added a little mascara to make them even more noticeable.

Sophie never wore make-up, because she knew that once she did, she would never be able to live without it. Her skin was light and pimples were very obvious on her skin, but the crème she used made having acne a rare occasion.

Sophie just finished brushing her teeth and applying body spray when she heard her name.

“Sophie, Rachel’s here!” Sophie heard her mother call from downstairs.

“Coming, mom,” Sophie yelled down the stairs before racing down them.

Her mother was standing in the kitchen talking to Rachel. She was wearing a green robe over her pajamas, her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and she was sipping at coffee.

“Are you going to work this week?” Sophie asked as she grabbed her backpack off the floor.

“Yes, just not today. I wanted to drive Daniel and Kate to school on their first day.” Her mother smiled and hugged Sophie as she left with Rachel to go to school.

“Bye mom!” Sophie yelled over her shoulder to her mother who was standing in the doorway.

“Bye, sweetie.”

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