Disappearing act

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The moment J'Zargo got home his mother started questioning him, asking why he was late, if he had been mugged, the whole interragation. Once she was satisfied her son was fine she started on their dinner, his mother had always been a fantastic chef, for she worked down the road at bakery, tonight it was lamb and vegetable pie, his favourite, but after having to witness Murdock's 50 lashes J'Zargo didn't have much of an appetite.

Glad to be home, J'Zargo kicked off his boot's and sat on a chair next to his mother. He told her about his day, listening, waiting and then asking questions and then they'd swap. It was kind of a ritual for them, they had made some fond memories over this method

. His mother told him of how she had a suprise for him. Hating the suspense, J'Zargo tensed. She was always had a suprise for her child some thoughtful and some humoures. She'd once got him the "cat" that he'd wanted when he was six but It turned out to be a rat from the bakery that his mum had fashioned big fluffy ears to. He at first was disappointed, but he couldn't stop himself at laughing over how comical the rat looked and probably felt.

Luckily this was a good suprise. His Mother placed a jar of raspberry and strawberry jam in his had, J'Zargo almost fainted, his favourite. He instantly pulled his Mum into an embrace, he had no words to explain how happy he was. They headed down to the bakery after once the reality kicked in for J'Zargo, he hadn't had this jam since his grandfather died, they were always so close and it was his favourite.

"Evening," Jack cheered, his family were close with the baker and he always was happy to see them. "Right on time." he mentioned " I almost thought my favourite customers weren't going to come."
"Since when have we ever not came, we need this business, we'd die if this bakery shut down!" His Mother exclaimed. "So the usual then?" Jack asked.
"Yes please, wait! Actually no get us the best you have" his mother said with a twinkle in her eyes.

J'Zargo's Dad was already home when they got home. "I thought you didn't get off work till 6 o'clock" Mrs Wynne informed.
"Well my Angie, the workers forged over 70 blades today so I thought they deserved to get back to their families and I was also looking foward to that pie..." the Wynne's laughed, J'Zargo noted how great his life was.

Once J'Zargo had finished his toast he went up to his room to read, he was ecstatic due to Qwasui letting him take a book home from the Sandu Academy libary. The book's front was clad in the darkest leather, the big bold letters at the top saying "Manipulation of Atoms" The book was originally made for the mage's college in Wekt, but was given to the academy for the mage community wanted children to be taught about them so the potential amount of mages in Gerais would increase.

The spine of the book was covered in blue symbols emitting light from them. The book started off saying that all magic was random and eratic when preformed by a novice mage so most should space themselves from others when attempting these feats. Only telekinesis, teleportation, and illusion magic was recommended for most first attempts.

Page 789 Teleportation: "When attempting to teleport it is easier to get to a destination you can see rather than thinking of the name of a place. Memories can help get you to a destination if you are not presently there. Imagine you are standing still, you are not moving, the destination is coming to you the floor is shifting beneath your feet and-"

"Dinner is ready" Angie called.
"Coming!" J'Zargo shouted placing the book on his night stand. As J'Zargo turned towards the door he stumbled, he was suddenly in front of the door frame. He deemed it as himself tripping up and not realising because he was tired. He sprinted down the stairs, jumping two steps at a time, then the smell hit him and J'Zargo realised how hungry he was.

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