Ask THE Alicorn Twilight Sparkle

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Hello readers!  

Being an Alicorn is seriously hard work, but I managed to find a slot in between my meeting with Princess Celestia and the filming for My Little Pony season 4! (Can't wait!) 

Anyway *coughs* I am really excited to be answering your questions for me as an ALICORN...Ya hear that ALICORN in there? You do? well that's because I'm best ALICORN!

------Earlier that day------

*talking to self in mirror, posing and saying alicorn* 

Celestia: *Celestia walks in* "Twilight...I thought you might find this interesting it's-"

 Twilight: Still saying Alicorn and posing* "Alicorn, Alicorn, ALICORN!" 

*Celestia walks out backwards VERY slowly*

Well Ah hem...That one time was rather akward... 

Anyhoo...Princess_Of_Night has allowed me to borrow her account to write this...well I am dictating and she types because...*raises hoof* Need I say more?

Anyway! Let us carry on...TO THE QUESTIONS!

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