tayla_eats_chicken's question

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Dear princess twilight sparkle,

My name is Princess Tay and I was would love it if you answered these questions:

1) If you could marry any pony, who would he be... *cough* flash *cough*

2) Has rainbow dash actually adopted Scooterloo, or is she just her mentor?

3) how old is princess Celestia?

Statement: I recently became a Princess like you, and have defeated many enemy's. I'm the princess of Heaven, which you might think is a silly thing. But I watch you from up there and see all your adventures, one day I hope we will meet.


Princess Tay La Heaven

1) Twilight: uhhh....who do you mean >//////< 

P_O_N: Oh glob, not this again, I HATE FLASH HE IS A [insert rude word here] 

2) I think she is more of a mentor, but maybe also a sister figure :) whatever their relationship, I think they are very alike!

3) Twilight: Well let me see...hmmmm...ok so if- 

Celestia: TWILIGHT! 

Twilight: Princess?! Whatever is the matter?  


Twilight: O_o

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