Chapter 7

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Hey i have finally update! Now im sorry for the wait but as you can see i just started school. and they gave me home work the pass too weeks any way i will be updateing again maybe on Friday!

Lena’s POV

“You are in so much trouble!” Jacob sang as he followed me and Zoe up the stairs. I stopped in my tracks and glared at him. Which wasn’t a good plan since Zoe slammed into my back.

“Don’t you ever shut up, Jacob!” I yelled at him angrily. Me and Zoe had just came home from the taxi ride. The first person or thing to greet me was my brother.

“No, besides I’m just warning you for what has yet to come.” he replied to me.

“You know I hate you right! I wish I had a different twin instead of you!” I yelled at him and ran up the stairs with Zoe following after me.

I ran to my room and grabbed one of my pillows and tossed it across my room. It knocked down some of my stuff on my desk to the ground. I walked back and forth running my hands through my hair.

I noticed Zoe sat down on my bed and watched me walk off my anger. I tried to forget about Jacob and think about something else. That’s when I remember about my phone that I lost . . . At the one direction concert.

“So, what are we going to do about your phone?” Zoe spoke up first.

“I don’t know but all I can tell you is don’t stress. They won’t be able to unlock my phone.” I answered Zoe’s unasked question.

“Lena . . .” Zoe called when I was about to go to my bathroom. I turned around and saw she was biting her nails. I knew automatically that she was going to ask me something big.

“What is it that you wanted to as?” I asked her and watched as she shifted uncomfortably on the bed. I sighed and walked over to her and sat down on the foot of the bed.

“Well I was wondering if we could try calling you phone?” Zoe said and looked down at her hands. I looked at her and thought, was she kidding me!

“Please, tell me I didn’t just hear you say that.” I say and rubbed my temple from the headache that was starting to form. I looked at Zoe, she looked at me with a hopeful smile on her face.

“Oh my god Zoe! You’ve got to be kidding me! What if something were to happen! Did you even think of the consequences?” I yelled at her frustrated.

“Well, I thought we could just call and see if someone had your phone? I mean wait! Let me explain my plan and if it sounds stupid then I won’t do it.” Zoe said and held a hand up to me.

I glared at her and thought of what she had came up with. To tell you the true I was curious to see who had my phone. But then I had a bad feeling I didn’t want to find out.

“I can’t believe I’m going with this but fine. Wait, before we go through with this we need to go over some ground rules.” I put in quickly before she could do anything drastic to quickly. She stopped and let me continue.

“Now, when you call them don’t say anything to who ever answers. Just listen, but if it sounds like one of the guys hang up on them.” I said to her and she nodded her head happily. I just hoped that I wasn’t going to regret this from happening.

I watched as Zoe reached for her cell in her pocket. She went on dialing my number and listened for someone to answer. I got up from the bed and walked over to my desk and rearranged my things there.

Zoe’s POV

I waited for the phone call hoping that it wasn’t any of the guys from the band. I made myself comfortable and waited for the call to go through. I didn’t think Lena would agree so easily, usually she would never go with my plans.

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