Part 3 ~ thank you

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Rose pov
I woke up.....
I went downstairs and saw Freya, later on Freya came and asked "so how was it?" "Horrible" I said and Made myself a cup of coffee. Freya look at me in shock and asked "why?".
"'Well pretty much he kept on wanted to talk to me,asking me questions about me but I wasn't interested" I said taking a sip out of my coffee. Freya look at me then later smirk..."what's with that face?" I asked " Mr Minter is so in you, like cmon he kept asking you questions about you and he invited you. Not no one else....wait did he lean in to kiss you?" She asked me and smirk
Should I lie?
The room was silent...........
I left and went to get my backpack
"OMG, so he did kiss you!" Freya says screaming "correction he didn't kiss me, he just lean in and I push him" I said "what how could you.... You had a chance to kiss him!" Freya says "you see no interest in him!" I said laughing and later on we left to go to college.
As we got there teachers where thanking me....."uh... Freya why are the teachers thanking  me?" I asked "I don't know?" She replied
Later on I saw him Mr Minter
He was talking to a crowd of girls and he notice me and kept On staring at me.....

 Freya why are the teachers thanking  me?" I asked "I don't know?" She repliedLater on I saw him Mr MinterHe was talking to a crowd of girls and he notice me and kept On staring at me

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it made me shiver.... He such a cutie wait HOLD UP Rose I can't feel like this, later on I noticed that Freya was in the crowd with the girls and I laughed
I went the guys cause pretty much all the girls are with Mr Minter and talking with him... "Hey Lachlan" I smile at him "hey Rose, hey why aren't you with Mr Minter?" He asked "oh I'm not interested" I said "but didn't you invite him and isn't that pretty rude?" Lachlan asked "wait wait....I've never invited him?" I said to Lachlan

"well that's what he said" Lachlan said, later on I went to my classroom and Harry said hi to me "hey"

I said "hey come here" Harry says and hugs me tightly, I noticed that Mr Minter was looking at me and he Look mad.

Simon pov

"MR MINTER PUNISH ME!" a random chick said "I LOVE YOU!" another random chick said

They were girls screaming for me, I love it but something made me feel empty. I look at Rose direction and I see that this boy is hugging Rose, it's making me piss and I made my hand into a fist.

Simon what are you even talking about....... She's not yours..... She's like 18 and I'm 22, it's only a

4 years age gap, i went to walk where Rose was, gosh these girls are so thirsty, Simon what are you talking about you love the girls attention. Why am I not enjoying it anymore?

I went to Rose and I see that she was having a good conversation with the boy

"hey can I borrow her?" I asked the boy "yeah sure" he said and left.

"What was that about?" I asked mad, Rose look at me confused "what are you taking about?" She asked

"You were flirting with him" I said to her "so what?! It's not like we are dating geez..." She said angerly

She was right we weren't together but I've never felt like this before why am I having feeling s for her, ussualy Ive been in a relationship but my partner die, pretty much I would play with girls feelings,You can kinda say I'm a fuckboii, because I would talk to a girl and then the other day we would end up having sex and then later on the same thing over and over again but something about her makes me warm every single time I see her, she makes me happy, I've haven't feel this happy since I proposed to my fiancé but she die from a car accident. Rose remind me of Sophia so much

Sophia is Simon ex fiancé but she die by a car accident, she well later be mentioned in the future

Her brown hair and her curls and her perfect eyes......oh my she reminds me of her, gosh I miss her. Sophia made me happy but since she died it made me miserable, it's like they could be sisters!

Weirdly they both had the same last name but..... Sophia had a dad and he work for me and I've asked if he had another daughter and he said he does, but she doesn't know where she is. he was the Vice President of the company....hmmmm

I'm gonna ask if Rose had a mom and a dad

"Uh do you have both parents?" I asked "no..... Only a mom, my dad abandoned me" Rose said

Uncomfortable "sorry for asking" I said "no don't worry I hate him" she said and smile at me

"Why do you hate him?" I asked Rose "it's his fault I can't fall in love again, he was the first guy that broke it and it's been tough for me to find love cause I'm scare that that's gonna happen again.

"Come here" I said to her and hug her tightly, she came here and hug me, she smell like strawberries

"Are you smelling me?" She said laughing.

I was blushing so hard "yeah.." I said "weird, I was wrong about you" she said "what do you mean?" I asked her "well when I first saw you, look like a fuckboii" she said


"Where you a fuckboii?" She asked

I lied to her and said "no.."

I was falling in love with her more and more....

There well be a part 2 to this so yeah I'll see you guys later

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