Chapter 6~Freindship

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Rose pov
I woke up and I remember what Mr Minter told me....
Should I tell freya?

I was in my bed thinking about it

(Ignore the mess and the guns, just pretend she's on her bed thinking (=゚ω゚)ノ )

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(Ignore the mess and the guns, just pretend she's on her bed thinking
(=゚ω゚)ノ )

"Should I?" I asked myself
"Should I what?" Freya asked
Shit shit...
"Nothing?" I said to freya "WHAT?! No plz tell me!" Freya beg
Should I lie to her?
I don't know what to do
I want to lie
I don't want to hurt her feelings...
Why me....
Fuck it.
"Harry asked me on a date" I said to freya
I felt bad lying to her, but I can't just tell her "oh I'm having sex with Mr Minter for money"
Makes me sound like a hoe but this is for my mom... I love her so much
"OMG REALLY!!" Freya freaked out
"Yeah.. Why are you so exited?" I asked
"We can have double dates!!" Freya reply
Ahh I love Freya
She's been with me

Thru elementary

     Thru elementary

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Freya ~ Rose

Thru middle school

 Freya ~ RoseThru high school

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Freya ~ Rose
Thru high school

 Freya ~ RoseThru high school

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