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So tomorrow is school.....And surprise surprise, I don't want to go.At all.So let me cath you guys up on my life.I started seventh grade and so far so good.I still have the same friends and the same enemies.There's this guy in the 8th grade.I've known him since the second grade and liked him since third.He moved last year so I haven't seen him in about 2 years.Now he's back.I'm friends with his cousin.I'm thinking of talking to him but I don't know if he even remembers who I am.I have no idea what to do so comment slme advice please.Then there is this other guy.I know him from last year.I guess you could say we are pretty good friends.I like him but I'm not gonna do anything about it.My birthday was on the 11th and I'm thinking of having a party.I don't know yet.But please comment some advice down.I might do an "Ask" next time I update.So comment down some questions.Talk to you beautiful people later.By the way, just have to promo a bit.Check out the Janoskians' new video.Check out Austin Mahone's single "What About Love".His album is coming out soon.I think in November.Our2ndLife has a new video out on Youtube.Okay...I'll save the rest for later.Bye guys.Have an awesome week.

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