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Hey guys!So I know that I haven't updated in like years but I felt like I should today.

Today was very eventful.

So it snowed.A LOT.My mom picked me up to school we got to the stop light got in the turn lane slide and hit the curb to avoid hitting someone else.

Yeah fun right?We got stuck.Car wouldn't move at all.We were stuck in the car for like three or four hours.In those four hours we got hit by a car and were almost hit multiple times.Once by a car full of high teens and weed.

We then decided to walk to Publix after the cop came cleared the intersection and left.Instead of Publix we just went to McDonalds cuz I had to pee really really BADLY!

While walking to McDonalds I almost fell into a storm drain.I was so embarrassed.

So now I just found out that there are still people at my school that couldn't leave.Like what do you even do when that happens?

Anyway.I hope you guys all enjoy your night and week.Sorry for updating so late.Laters.


Comment below #teamliam or #teamtyler

Okay laters!

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