Chapter 8

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  Chapter 8

~ Chanel P.O.V ~~ The Next Day~

Well, Yesterday was eventful...

I was actually going to kill myself?

Thank God that I am here right now. If Amarni didn't come to the house when he did to pull me out of the bath then I don't know what pain I could have caused on the whole family.

I was selfish and I apologise. I put MY pain before everyone else's because It didn't sink in that what I was about to do would have a domino effect. Especially on Alaya.

A mum who killed herself and a dad who is locked up. I'm thankful that this is now not the case.Simply as I never grew up with a Mother or a Father and look how it made me turn out. I've got deeper issues that I need to solve.

I smiled at Amarni sleeping heavily beside me. He loud breathing seemed to sooth me for some reason.Seeing him at peace made me happy and the fact that he was right by my side made it even better.

I felt a warmth in my heart. The warmth that I was longing for.

How can one person have this affect on me? How can the presence of someone make me glow inside?The answer is love. Love is a verb which conquers all and I love my husband.

" Weirdo.. Why you watching me sleep." Amarni chuckled as he rubbed his eyes to wake himself up properly.

" Because you're cute when you sleep." I replied which made him cringe.

" I'm cute at all times, lets not water it down." He joked.

" Actually nah i'm not cute thats for babies , i'm f*cking BUFF !" He continued the joke.

" Okay, bring it down a notch." I continued. We both laughed.

" Ahh i've missed you so much and I'm happy you're home now." I said.

" I'm happy to be home, prison is not a good place to be, trust me and I feel like i've missed a lot even though I was only in for 3 months." He said.

" Quite a lot has happened. As you should have figured." I said.

" What?"

"We were evicted and currently staying at you're mums but its bare cramped for all of us. I don't have a job, urm Alaya's birthday, which was so good, despite me finding out that Trevor killed Jermz, urmm Tyler and Layla aren't talking, you know Jerri's pregnant, Biola lives in a hostile because she doesn't get along with her parents again." I was trying to update him, its hard to remember everything that has been going on.

" Tyler and Layla aren't talking? Why?" He asked with a shocked tone and facial expression.

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