Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

~ Chanel's P.O.V ~

~ 2 weeks Later ~

Its Alaya's Birthday today!

Without the help of my loved ones I would not be able to throw my daughter a first birthday as big as this.

Layla and Mummy Felecia organised it, Biola decorated the hall, Jerri helped with the invitations and the guys chipped in financially. I literally took a back seat for the first time and let them put the ideas into play. They keep tell me that I need to relax because " I'm too stressed out and they're worried." They may be right..

This is like the first time I'm seeing everyone all together since the wedding and I already know that everyone is worried about me so I have to put a smile on my face so that they don't ask me any questions.

I hate talking about my feelings, so I might as well look as happy as I can be, even though I am dying inside.

" Happy Birthday!" I announced as I picked up Alaya. Can't believe its been a year already, wow. She's grown so much. I can see the resemblance of Amarni even more now. Every time I look at her I think about Amarni and it hurts, but today is her day and I need to be as cheerful as I can for my daughter.

She is having a fancy dress party to which she is wearing her blue Cinderella princess dress with the slippers, but they're not glass obviously and I had her hair in a bun with a silver bow.

" You gonna have fun?" I cheerfully asked her.

" Yes." She nodded with enthusiasm.

" Good girl." I kissed her forehead.

" Daddy wants fun?" She asked me.

" Yes he sure does and he wants you to be a happy girl." I grinned.

" Where Daddy?" She's been asking that a lot and I honestly freeze up every time she asks.

" He's coming soon." I lied. She pouted as if she were going to cry and started at me with her big green sad eyes. My tummy dipped as I looked at how sad she looked, it near enough reflected my insides.

" Daddy loves you okay?" I reassured her.


" Do you love him back?"

" yes."

" Then go and have fun!" I giggled, she ran to her friends with a smile.

I was dressed as Pocahontas and I actually felt quite cute.

My outfit was the bomb! I had on the exact beige/ cream dress , the blue necklace and my hair was straightened which I rarely do because its so long.

This is the first time that I've looked decent since the wedding to be honest.

" Happy Birthday Alaya!" Evangeline and Jamal said to her at the same time. She was dressed as Mulan and Jamal didn't dress up but he made the effort with his black eye patch and his all black attire.

" Hey Chanel!" Evangeline hugged me. Jamal waved.

" You alright?" I hugged them both.

" Yeah, you?" Evangeline asked me.

" Getting there." I told her.

" Good good." She smiled a cute smile.

" What are you like a hood pirate or something?" I giggled as I asked Jamal.

" Basically yeah." He chuckled.

" Creative." I joked. Jamal laughed.

Biola decorated the hall so nice and Disney like. It looked like a children's ball full of animations.

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