Chapter 1

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I woke up from an extremely irritating alarm clock indicating that it was time for me to get my lazy ass up. I stretched my whole body and smacked the clock that was currently playing some annoying ass song I really disliked. After about 2 minutes of just laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling, I flopped off of my bed and slowly shuffled over to my closet to pick out some clothes for school. 10 minutes later, and about 5 outfits after, I finally decided upon wearing a pastel pink blouse with mint coloured shorts.

I moved over to my vanity to see how everything looked, and I'll admit, I looked pretty good for it to be Monday. I've always wanted to be a professional at doing makeup, or putting together an outfit plan for a famous person. It just makes me excited just thinking about it. I'm mainly known for my amazing outfits of choice at school, and that's an honour for any girl really.

Soon after I stopped swooning over myself, I turned around to see the clock saying 8:00am. "Shit, school starts in 30 minutes!" I said to myself as I began to pack all of my belongings into my small ass backpack. They really need to make these things bigger for people who like to carry their whole room with them. Hmph. I grabbed my car keys and ran to the front door. Everyone was most likely gone, but they never really did care what I do.

15 minutes later

I slowly parked in my parking spot, and did one of those like matrix jumps out of my car to make it to the first bell. I caught everyone staring at me as if I just murdered someone, but oh well.

As I walked closer to the entrance my best friends came into distance, and I just couldn't help myself when I began to smile at one certain person in the crowd. He had blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, beautiful face, the best laugh you would ever hear, an amazing sense of humour, can sing perfectly, play the guitar like an angel, and was just all around amazingly beautiful. His name is Niall Horan. Just his name gives off a beautiful vibe. We've been friends ever since I can remember, and we're still going strong. Over the past two years though I've been secretly holding back the fact that I like him. I don't know what I would do if I lost my best friend. He means everything in the world to me, which he knows, but he doesn't know I mean it in a relationship way. Problem is, he already has a girlfriend, and she is a huge bitch. She's tried to stop me from being Niall's friend because she saw me as a threat to their "relationship". I wouldn't want to hurt Niall by telling him though, he tells me everyday how much this girls means to him. Which kind of upsets me, but what can I do? For now, I just smile and pretend like everything's normal.

My smile seemed to fade after thinking about Niall most likely never thinking of me as his girlfriend, which apparently the whole group noticed and quickly walked over to me asking me tons of questions. "What's wrong Dani? Did someone upset you?" One of my best friends Katie questioned. Oh if only she knew. I just can't open myself up about my so called "love life". If I even had one. "Nah, just wish it wasn't Monday. I hate waking up this early after 2 days of sleeping in." I lied while scratching the back of my neck.

Almost too quickly, the bell rang for everyone to start going to their classes, and Niall began to appear in my vision, quickly shuffling to get beside me with a huge smile on his face. This was always our morning routine, meet up after the bell rang, and sit by the stairs just talking about our weekend until the 2nd bell would ring for everyone to actually get to class. "Hey Dani! How's everything going? I missed you!!!" He said in a cheerful voice as we sat along the seats that we designated as our "hang out seats". I just smiled softly and replied back saying, "Meh, it's been the same, I've been extremely lazy, went shopping, and stayed on Facebook 24/7." That was my daily routine, get home, sleep a bit, go to the mall, buy some things, and end the night with Facebook. He began to nod slowly, almost looking as if he were contemplating saying something, but ended up staying quiet for a minute. "Well, guess who's coming to Ireland?!" He said almost too quickly for me to catch what he was trying to say. Before I could even say "Who?" He loudly screeched, " The X Factor!!! An guess who's going to audition?!" "You?!" I tried to beat him to the answer but ended up failing anyways. "Mmhm, I can't wait! It's going to be amazing, people will actually be able to see that I really am a good artist. I can't wait to show the world who I am!" He said. I started to smile widely at the thought of him going on stage and performing for thousands of people, he really has an amazing voice, but he just hasn't had the opportunity to show it yet, and this can definitely be his chance.

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