Chapter 2: Changing

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          Scott and I ride our bikes to school it's weird today I don't need to use my glasses to see? Anyway Jackson aka douche bag almost hit Scott's bike with his door "Dude, watch out the paintjob!" and walked away "dick" we both muttered under our breath we looked at each other and laughed He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked up to school "Today's gonna be great" Scott said turning to me " Does your side still hurt?" Scott asked concerned I shook my head "No it's weird it's just like gone" He agreed and Stiles came up to us "So, let's see it" I was gonna pull up my shirt to show him but Scott stopped me overprotective much " No I'll do it" and he lifted his shirt and showed his gazed bite mark "It was too dark to see very much, but I'm were pretty sure it was a wolf" I nod defiantly we heard a howl last night "A wolf bit you guys ? No, not a chance" We started walking up to the school doors "I heard a wolf howling" "So did I" Stiles patted my head " Grown ups talking" I hit his arm "ow Seriously stop with the abuse or i'll call the IRS" i laughed " California doesn't have wolves for like sixty years" "Really?" Scott and I said in unison "God it's freaky when you say stuff at the same time" Scott and I looked at each other and smiled "We know" we said in unison again "Geez stop!" we laughed "Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe when I tell you we found the body." Stiles started grinning like he stole the last cookie. "what where?" Scott started to say something when Lydia passed by "Hey Lydia you look..." she ignores Stiles " like your gonna ignore me" Scott and I laugh.

We're sitting in first period and I hear a girl talking about how she forgot a pen to her mom I look around and see a girl on her phone outside how can I hear that? The principal walks up to her and takes her to show her to her classes . The door opens and the girl comes in " Mr Harrison this is Alison Argent your new student" Mr H shakes her hand " sit behind Mr.McCall" she walks down the row and sits behind Scott and he turns around and gives her a pen how did he know? She thanks him and looks confused he turns back around.

I go to my locker and Alison walks up and her locker right next to mine " Hey I'm Stella" she smiles " Alison" we start talking and Lydia walks up and says " Omg I love your jacket" we turn "lyds" Lydia is my best friend " Hey stellar" Alison and her start talking and I look and see Scott staring at Alison aww my brothers got a crush " so there's this party Friday do you guys wanna come?" "Oh I can't Friday family night" Alison says and Lydia looks at me " only if." She cuts me off " yes Scott can come" Alison looks confused " who's Scott" " my twin brother" Jackson walks up and kisses Lydia " Hey" they say to each other " Alison this is my boyfriend Jackson" he puts an arm around her and he stares at me whenever I'm at her house and he's there he try to get with me and I don't go over anymore she thinks it's because my mom doesn't want me to. Their talking about going to watch lacrosse practice and before we can say anything Lydia drags us out to the field.

We're sitting on the bleachers waiting for it to start Scott comes out and looks at Alison she waves and he waves back "McCall let's go!" Coach yells at him and makes him goalie

Coach blows his whistle and Scott and I hold our ears and the ball hits his helmet and he falls they laugh at the field " Hey if you laugh one more time I'll come down there and break your lacrosse sticks" they look at me I fear and Stiles claps coach laughs and points at me "that's angry get that angry!" After that he catches every ball "who is that?" " Scott Stellas twin brother" I walk down to the bench and sit with Stiles and play with his lacrosse stick Jackson steps up to hit the ball it zooms towards the goal but Scott catches it Jackson gets mad and picks up a ball and throw it toward Stiles' head out of instinct I catch it with my hand everyone one gasps coach blows his whistle "You come here" I walk up to him " nice reflexes how about you try out right now" I look at Scott and gives a thumbs up " sure" Jackson goes crazy " what she's a girl she can't play lacrosse" I hold up my hand and turn to him " um excuse me what did you say" the whole team oohs "you heard me" I get his lacrosse stick and walk up to the balls on the ground I throw 3 balls and Scott can't catch all three " that doesn't count Scott sucks at goal" I get really mad and throw my stick down the team backs away so does coach " what did you say about my brother" Jackson turns " he's your brother I'm sorry for you" I look at Lydia " can I " Lydia says " hell yeah I punch him in the face and walk away and sit down with Stiles and Scott " Stella your on the team wow she's good"

Stiles, Scott and I are walking in the woods looking for his inhaler "somethings seriously wrong Stiles stell and I can hear things from far away and smell things" Stiles does a double take "what do you mean smell things " I can smell the mints in your pocket" Stiles reaches into his pocket " I don't have.." and there's mints in his hand "I can smell your turkey sandwich with provolone and no mayo in your bag" Stiles laughs nervously "okay I think I know what this is" we stop and look at him " what" we say in unison " lycanthropie" Scott gasps " is that bad" I laugh how can he not catch on " no well only once a month on a full moon" Stiles and I howl Scott pushes us " shut up somethings seriously wrong with us Stell" Scott moves leaves around looking for his inhaler " it was right here" " maybe the killer doubled back and took the body" Scott sighs " mom's gonna kill me inhalers are expensive" I look around and see this guy with pale skin and black hair " guys" they say what and stand up and look at the guy " what are you going here its private property" I was at a lose for words he was so hot " we it" the guy throws Scott his inhaler and he catches it easily he turns and walks away " dude that was Derek Hale you know as in the hale fire?" "I don't know all I do is that guy is hot" Stiles laughs and Scott scowls he looks at the time " stell let's go were late for work" we walk to Stiles' jeep and he drops us off at work.

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