Chapter 6: The Dance

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                                                                                               *Derek's Pov*

   Since deaton's contact told use about being soulmates we haven't been apart I asked her to be my girlfriend the next day and she happily accepted and she asked me over today for a talk.

I parked my car and got out and knocked on her door as soon as she opened the door I attached my lips to hers she giggled " Hey Derek" I smiled " Hey sweetie" she closed the door and sat me on the couch and went into the kitchen and brought out a box with a bow on it and she sat down next to me and handed it to me "Stella you didn't hav-" she put a finger to my lips " just open it " I unwrapped the bow and opened to box it was a necklace half of a heart I looked up and she held up hers around her neck "Stella I love it" I took it out and put it on " there more" I gave a question face and she pointed to the box I looked and saw a piece of paper I took it out and it said "go to the dance with me" I looked up at her and smiled "yes" I pulled her into a kiss she smiled against my lips we pulled away and snuggled together on the couch.

*Stella Pov*

Alison,Lydia and I were at the mall picking out our dresses even though Alison and Scott broke up she's still me friend. Lydia is kinds mad that Jackson is taking Alison but Stiles asked her so she won't be alone "I can't belive your taking Derek Hale" Lydia said looking through the clothes "well he is my boyfriend" Alison comes out of nowhere "he's a little old for isn't he" I groan "guys you say that every time I'm happy can't you be happy for me" they look at each other "yeah" they said smiling I spotted this beautiful black silk dress with no straps I walked up to it it was perfect and it matched Derek's suit. Lydia walked up with me " it's perfect for you Stella try it on" I take it off the rack and go into the dressing room and slip the dress on. I look at myself on the mirror then go out to show Lydia she taps her finger on her chin " turn" I did a spin and she claps her hands together "perfect Derek will love it" I smiled and went back into the room and put my clothes back on Alison walked over with a silver dress " that's cute" Lydia said " yeah this picked it out he said it goes with my skin tone" weird he better not be trying to get with her. We all bought our dresses and headed to our homes once I got through the door Scott started asking me questions "did Peter talk to you?" "How would he do that I was with Alison and Lydia?" He paces " I was there and Peter talked to Alison and picked out her dress" I smelled anger on him "your going to the dance aren't you" he nods "I just have to get past coach" I laugh and start walking up to my room.

It's now 5 and the dance starts at 7 so I took a shower and dry'd my hair I curled my hair and put on a strapless bra. I put on black winged eyeliner with silvereyeshadow and mascara and lastly red lipgloss. I slipped on my dress and put on black heels I was fixing my makeup when Scott called that Derek was here. He was wearing a black suit with black shoes his hair was gelled up and he had his half heart around his neck I had mine on as well. I walked downstairs and he looked up and his eyes looked full of love "wow" he whispered I giggled "Hey handsome" he looked me up and down "you look amazing" I smile " so do you" my mom squealed and wanted pictures I kissed Derek's cheek with my eyes closed and he smiled with his eyes closed. I gave my mom a hug and Derek took my hand and lead me to his car.

We pulled into the school and I saw Scott on the roof sneaking into the school "Derek look" I pointed to the roof and he saw Scott and we laughed "reading for high school" he sighed "as ready as I'll ever be" I giggled and Derek got out and went around and opened my door for me "thank you" he smiled "your welcome" we linked arms and I saw Stiles and Lydia link arms and go inside Alison and Jackson came up to us " you look beautiful Stella" Alison said "thank you, you look amazing" she smiled and whispered in my ear "Scott's sneaking in through the roof" I smile " I know we saw him" Derek and I walked to the school and went through the doors.

Coach was surprised of who my date was "Coach this is my boyfriend Derek H-" Coach cut me off and shaking Derek's hand " Derek Hale I know you, you use to play lacrosse here" Derek looked pissed he looked at his hand and then to coach. Coach got the message and let go of his hand "have fun" he said and left Derek lead me to a table and sat down a song I liked came on " Derek do you wanna dance" he looked around "No" he said sternly I just sat there watching coach chase Scott around until he gave up. Stiles finally got Lydia to dance with him and Alison and Scott were now dancing I was about to ask Derek to dance again but he wasn't in his seat he was talking to my science teacher Mrs.Hill they were laughing she was clearly flirting with him. I rolled my eyes and saw Alison and Scott go out back behind the school I know what was gonna happen "Stella are you okay?" Stiles said walking up to my table I pointed to Derek "Wow" I nod and play with my heart neacklace Stiles sat next to me "I'll wait with you until he stops" I shook my head no "Go dance with Lydia" He was about to protest when Lydia dragged him back to the dance floor. I rested my head on my hand I heard laughing again and looked at Derek and Mrs.Hill she put her hand on his bicep he looked at it I listened to his heartbeat it rose a little I scoff and walk off to where Scott and Alison went.

I didn't see them anywhere "What are you doing out here by yourself" I jumped and saw Derek "Why do you care" he looked confused "Where is this coming from" I crossed my arms "I saw you with Mrs.Hill you didn't take her hand off and your heart rate rose" he sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist "Stell I didn't want to be rude and say 'Get the hell off me i"m taken' even though I would and my heart rate rose because it angered me that she touched me" I make an ooh face and Derek laughs and pulls my face to his lips were soft melting to mine I put my arms around his neck and we were about to go further but we got interrupted "Well isn't this something" we pulled away still holding each other and looked to see Alison's aunt Kate Derek growled "What do you want Kate" he said turning to her keeping me behind him "I came to vist, but looks like your busy" she stepped closer there was something in her hand "Whats in your hand" I snap she looks at me "just something to help you sleep" She shoots Derek in the leg then me I fall. Kate starts dragging my away from Derek and she picks me up and puts me in the trunk of her car then darkness consumes me.

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