Anime: Soul Eater
Name: Isabella or Issy
Role: mister
Looks: long wavy back hair tied back with white bandana, Ivy green eyes, Bronze skin, and a small scar on her left eyebrow.
Personality: wild and free, thinking on her toes, childish, mischievous, glutinous.
Favorite foods: meat with salt and pepper soda
Backstory: Lived in england for the bulk of her life. Her family is said to be decedent's of pirates so she follows the family tradition of fencing and swordplay. She behaves much like a ruthless pirate herself eating, stealing and fighting as she please.
Name: Valiant Bloodworth or Vladimir
Age: 15
Role: weapon (rapier)
Looks: short smooth brown hair, dumb looking open mouthed smile, big red eyes, a single fang like tooth that sticks out his upper lip.
Favorite foods: sandwiches and tomato juice
Personality: silent, cowerdly, complaint, scatter brained, crybaby, clingy, charming, noble
Backstory: a teary-eyed boy from Romania, Valiant was raised to be a gentleman. Unfortunately due to this gentle upbringing he has a hard time fighting his own battles. If he wants to be a effective weapon he needs to gain some pride instead of hiding behind furniture.
Relationship: they meet during their first year. Isabella didn't really care who her weapon would, be only that they were a sword. When she asked around and Vladimir said he was she stole him away from the others. She just didn't know that the poor boy was skittish and cried alot. Isabella enjoys trying to toughen up her partner and training together. If she can drag him from behind the couch. But he has his rare moment of bravery like if a damsel is in distress by a gang of ruffians or a mystery is a foot or god forbid a poor little animal is in paril.