From: homestuck
Nickname: Sparky
Clothes:electric blue hoddie with a yellow lightning bolt.
Looks: spiky blond hair and black highlights
Guardian: uncle- a stubborn man who loves to use force in every situation. If there's a problem all you need to do is punch it.
Personality: hyperactive, thin skinned, cheerful, stubborn, always needs affection, lonely.
Weapon: tazer gun
Username: Electric_biohazert
Background: for as long at he can remember spark has lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere. People said he came out of thin air and uncle took him in, nothing too crazy. At a young age spark was an expert on electricity, after all uncle was the best electronic repair technician in the town. Uncle was a brut and taught Spark what it meant to be a manly man. Unfortunately Spark is thin and fair skinned like a lady or one of those anime characters he thinks uncle doesn't know he loves.
Spark can't stand being alone. He claims that he was left alone alot as a child but truth be told he has Co-dependants disorder. If he ever loses a friend there really is no telling what he'll do.
He also has a love for lizards like his lovely iguana Flytrap, and plays the electronic guitar.