The secret

365 12 4

Justin POV

Me and jade had been running round this mansion for hours. my legs were rubber.

"Justin i need water" jade whispered.she was swaying from side to side until she fell in top of me I ran round carting jade bridal style till we found a kitchen me. i swear she drank half the kitchen

I was thinking about the Belibers maybe they will come and find me

Jade cracked up laughing. "you..hahaha..look..hahaha..messed...u.....pp"

"Shhh" I said pressing a firm finger over her sweet red luscious lips."he will find us if u dont shut up" I whispered

She shut up instantly

I felt bad about not telling her bout my dark secret


Ohh some secrets and lies in the past few chappies what's gonna happen ????

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