Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Songs of the chapter: Catch Me & Party - Demi Lovato

- Demi's POV

We're at the venue. I'm with my bandmates, Davi, Marissa and Sophie while Eddie and Dad are organizing some stuffs. Mike and my other bandmates are sitting by my side on the back stage, Marissa and Davi are sitting together in front of us and Sophie is on my lap with her head on my shoulder, she looks exhausted, how I didn't notice it before? She's been doing so much, she's taking care of me, she's trying to organizer everything for when she moves with me and there're the paps following us everywhere we go and I know how much she hates them because what they made her through when her parents died. Everyone was chatting but Sophie and I, she's just taking deep and calm breaths and I was only staring at her, making sure she's okay
"Are you okay baby?" I whispered in her ear
"Yes, just a bit tired, but I'm fine." Soph said in a soft whisper
"If you want you can rest on my dressing room during rehearsal and I can get someone to wake you up when the concert start." I said stroking her hair
"Nah, I don't want to miss any moment of my girlfriend's beautiful voice." She said kissing my cheek
"Baby we're going to move together, you can have private concerts anytime you want." I said giggling and she giggled as well
"It's still crazy to think we're dating, I still think when I wake up you're not gonna be there and that all this was a dream." Soph said
"Sometimes when I wake up I get afraid that you're just something I create on my mind and that you're not really gonna be there." I said and she kissed my cheek while hugging me tight as if I could disappear in any minute. "Are you sure you don't want to take a nap during rehearsal? You look exhausted." I said
"I'm sure, but when the concert finish can we go straight to the hotel? If you want you can go with the crew to the restaurant, but I'm going back to our hotel, I think I'm getting sick." She said. I kissed the top of her head before answer her
"Nah, it's okay. I'll go to the hotel with you, I'm gonna take care of you and we can ask for a doctor." I said and she nodded, "Davi, Marissa. Come here please." I said and they walked toward us
"Sup Demi?" Davi asked
"Soph is feeling sick and she's exhausted. She wants to stay for the concert trough, but I need you to keep an eye on her, if she looks even just a bit worse you're taking her to the hotel and calling a doctor, okay?" I said and they nodded
"No worry Dems, I'll keep both eyes on her." Marissa said getting her hand on Sophie's brow, "Soph are you sure you want to stay? You're burning like hell." Marissa said worried
"I'm fine, I just want to stay for the concert and then we can head back to the hotel." She said weekly
"Sophie Vettra, you're sick, you can't stay here." Davi said serious
"Shut up! Do you really think I'm missing this concert?" Sophie said with an eyebrow raised and Davi sighed giving up
"How did you get sick?" Marissa asked curious
"Demi's fault." She said giggling, but Davi looked pissed at me, "Hey, don't look at her with your pissed face! She trowed me on the bathtub with her, but I was all dressed and the room service was on the door so I got to open it and forget to get changed till he leaves." Sophie said explaining, but Davi still looked pissed
"Demi, Sophie had asthma when she's younger, it regretted a bit, but she can't get sick because it affects her breath." He said and I got worried
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't know." I said guiltily
"Hey, it's not your fault, okay? I was only joking." She said kissing me sweatily. Now I'm really worried about her and if she got really sick and if she has to go to the hospital, it's all my fault, "Hey, hey, hey!" Sophie said taking me out of my thought, "Stop over think, I'll be fine as long as you're by my side. Now go to that stage and do your thing because you voice is my best medicine." Aww it's so sweetie
"How did you think about this so fast? It even sounds like a poem. I have to go there now and I'm gonna pay that promise I made to you in Dallas, okay?" I said winking and she winked back showing she got what I said.

- Sophie's POV

Demi had finished rehearsal and M&G, she's on stage after her fifth song, she stopped for a moment and went to the middle of the stage
"Guys this next song is one that I don't do in a bit, it's for an especial friend called Sophie, I think by now you already know who she is, I'm playing this song because it's her favorite one and because I accidentally got her sick, so it's my way to say I'm sorry. I hope you have fun with the song, thank you all for coming join me tonight and don't forget to stay strong." Demi said and walked back to Mike to take her guitar, she's doing the acoustic version of the song, just like Davi and I had made. Demi started to sing Catch Me and the crowd went crazy

Before I fall
Too fast
Kiss me quick
But make it last

So I can see
How badly this will hurt me
When you say good bye

Keep it sweet
Keep it slow
Let the future pass
And don't let go

But tonight I could fall to soon
Under this Albuquerque moonlight

(Demi changed the lyric making the crowd go crazy of happiness)

But you're so hypnotising
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep

(Demi closed her yes while signing and giggled)

And I can see this unravelling
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me

See this heart
Won't settle down
Like a child running
Scared from a clown

I'm terrified of what you do
My stomach screams
Just when I look at you

(She sang this part looking at me. I was on the side of the stage so people couldn't see me)

Run far away
So I can breath
Even though you're far
From suffocating me

I can't set my hopes too high
'Cause every hello ends with a goodbye

But you're so hypnotising
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep

(Demi giggled again, but this time looking at me)

And I can see this unravelling
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me

So now you see
Why I'm scared
I can't open up my heart
Without a care

But here I go
It's what I feel
And for the first time in my life
I know it's real

But you're so hypnotising
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep

(Demi stop played the guitar to hold the mic to the crowd, but Mike continued playing)

And I can see this unravelling
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me

If this is love
Please don't break me
I'm giving up
So just catch me

(She finished the song smiling at me and blowing me a kiss. Then she looked back to the crowd and waved to them)

"Did you like it?!" Dems asked exited and they screamed, "Now how many of you guys came here to have a good night?" Demi asked and they screamed in response, "Now let me just ask you this, how many of you guys came here to... PARTY?" She asked, the crowd screamed and the chords of Party started to be played. Demi made her sexy dance, the one she always do with the country thing when she sang this song, she went to the front of the stage, sang the first part of the song and then she went back to where Mike was and made a sexy dance with her legs all over his, I'm not even denying, I got pissed that she did this, then she moved to other guy of the band and she did the same thing she had done with Mike, but this time she got close and pretend she's gonna kiss him and walked away. It's enough for me
"I wanna go." I said turning to look at Davi and Marissa
"What? What happened?" Marissa asked confuse
"Demi happened. I want to go now!" I said pissed and they nodded confuse, they didn't see what she had made, because they're kissing. We went to our hotel and I asked Marissa to stay with me at Demi and mines room. We're on the bed and she's by my side then she turned to look at me
"Why did you get pissed?" Marissa asked, she's turning into a good friend for me
"Because Demi was doing her dance for Party, but then she walked to Mike and she got her legs all around his, it pissed me, but what pissed me the most was that she walked to Greenie and she pretends she's going to kiss him, but then backed away, even not kissing and no one knowing about us, it still hurts to see my girlfriend almost kissing other person and knowing that a lot of people were seeing that." I said and she nodded
"But you know there're some songs of her that she always does things like that, don't you?" Marissa asked and I nodded
"Yes. But even knowing this it still hurts. Was like if she's cheating on me right in front of my eyes." I said pissed and sad with tears in my eyes
"It's okay, come here." She said opening her eyes, I got closer and she hugged me in a sisterly way and she started to stroke my hair. We stayed at that position with her stroking my hair till Demi open the door of the room and ran toward me with worry in her eyes
"Baby, what happened? Are you okay? Why did you leave? Did you get worse?" She's shooting questions to me, but I didn't answer, I just stayed there with my head on Marissa's chest and my back facing Demi
"She's okay Demi, she's just not in the mood to talk to you right now. I think you should of give her some space." Marissa said squeezing my body lightly
"Wait, what?" Demi asked confuse
"She's okay, she doesn't have fever anymore, but really Demetria if I was you I'd give her sometime, she'll talk to you when she cool off." Marissa said a bit annoyed. I'm mad with Demi, but I don't want them to have a fight because of me, they already had one
"Thanks Mar, it's okay. You can go now, I'm just gonna take a shower then I'm gonna sleep." I said even don't wanting to be alone with Demi
"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded, "If you want you can sleep in my room, there're to beds there, so Davi can sleep in one and you in the other and I can sleep here." Marissa said, but I shook my head
"Nah, it's okay. Just go there and join my cousin." I said smiling and kissing her on the cheek. Marissa nodded and gave me a kiss on the top of my head then left the room
"Can you just explain me what's happening? I was singing Party and when I finished you're nowhere to be seen." Demi said, doesn't she really understand?
"Nothing Demetria. We can talk tomorrow, but not now." I said still pissed and she looked at me with a mixture of confusion, sadness and worry on her eyes
"Okay." She said almost in a whisper, it broke my heart to see that look on her face, but what she did today, it's just... Arghhh! I got to the bathroom and took a quickly shower, when I went back to the room was Demi's turn to take a shower, so I decided to call Livvy, she always know what to say to me. I went to the balcony of our room and closed the door behind me, this place does have a beautiful view. I called Olivia and she answered quickly
"Hey sis, what's up?" She asked with her Aussie accent
"I got in a fight with Demi. Well not really a fight, she's singing Party and as always she's doing that country dance/walk that she always does, you know. But then she walked to Mike and did a sexy dance on him, like one of his legged was all covered in her legs, it pissed me, but I was like, it's Mike, it's okay, but then she walked to Greenie, she did the same thing she had done with Mike and more, she almost kissed him, their lips were just a few inches away to each other, it got me really really pissed and I leaved the concert with Marissa and Davi, by the way they're dating." I said and I listened Livvy sighing
"Well, cool they're dating and sis, common you know it's her job and that when she's on the stage she's not your girlfriend Demi, she's the artist Demi Lovato, not singer, but artist, because she doesn't only go there to sing, she goes there to entertain people which means she's playing a role over there. You've to get used, remember when she did that dance to Who's that boy? Well, do you really think she meant what she's dancing?" Olivia said, and well, she actually had a point and it actually makes sense
"I got your point and surprisingly it makes sense, but I'm still pissed. It hurt to see her almost kissing someone that's not me." I said
"I know it hurts, but you have to understand and comprehend, it is her job. What are you gonna do when she start to act again and she gets to actually kiss someone?" She asked
"Well, it's different, she's gonna be playing a role." I said
"What's the difference? You just have to imagine that when she's on stage she plays a role, imagine this way, on stage it's like she's playing a role in a theater and on TV or cinema she's playing a role too, but in front of a camera. See? There's no difference on it." She said
"You're right sis, thank you, love you. How's that idiot you call boyfriend?" I asked joyfully
"He's fine." She said giggling
"Is he treating you right?" I asked her with my authority tone
"Yup!" She answered
"Good, but if that bastard do anything to hurt you just tell me, because I'll fly over there and I myself will take his balls away." I said and she laughed
"Okay, but I'll going with you to see if he has a big dick." She said and we burst into laughs
"You're too young to think about things like this." I said giggling while turning to look back to the room, since the door was a glass one, but when I turned I saw Demi laid on the side of the door, with her arms crossed, a eyebrow raised and a small smirk on her face, "Olivia, I've to go. See you in LA, love you sis." I said and hung up, "How much of it did you listen?" I asked looking at Demi
"Enough to understand why you're pissed." She said walking toward me and uncrossing her arms to take my hands, "You should of have told me what was bordering you instead of just ignore me. I was worried that you're gonna brake up or something like this." She said truthfully still holding my hands
"You should of know that I'd hate to see my girlfriend all over her bandmates and you've to stop think I'm gonna break up with you. I love you way too much to handle live without you on my life." I said and Demi started to tear up. I hugged her and then leaned to kiss her soft lips, "I love you silly." I said making my way to kiss her lips to her neck
"I love you too and the way you are obsessive and overprotective over me." Demi said and I giggled. We walked to the verge of the balcony to admire the view, Demi was hugging me from behind with her head on my shoulder, we stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, "Are you still mad?" Demi asked and I shook my head
"No, but please don't do it anymore, I'm not asking you to stop dance that way, because I actually love to see you being that sexy, but please don't "almost kiss or pretend to kiss" your bandmates anymore, for me." I said and she kissed my cheek
"Okay, I'm not doing it again and I'm sorry for how I made you feel. Now lets go inside because it's fucking freezing over here and you're still sick." Demi said and we walked to our bad, she covered us with the blanket and then cuddled with me till we fell asleep.

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